
Certain components of AVWX rely on data files compiled from remote sources that should be kept up to date. This includes:

  • Station information database
  • Navigation aids
  • Aircraft codes

While these are updated on a regular basis with point updates, you may wish to update them on a more frequent basis. As of version 1.7 of the library, you can do this manually with the data module.

>>> from avwx.data import update_all
>>> update_all()

This updates all package data files and avwx.station.meta.__STATIONS_UPDATED__ date. Due to how this data is managed, you should only run updates prior to starting your primary Python application. Doing so during an existing run may still use old data depending on the architecture of your program.

 2Certain components of AVWX rely on data files compiled from remote sources that
 3should be kept up to date. This includes:
 5- Station information database
 6- Navigation aids
 7- Aircraft codes
 9While these are updated on a regular basis with point updates, you may wish to
10update them on a more frequent basis. As of version 1.7 of the library, you can
11do this manually with the `data` module.
14>>> from avwx.data import update_all
15>>> update_all()
19This updates all package data files and
20`avwx.station.meta.__STATIONS_UPDATED__` date. Due to how this data is managed,
21you should only run updates prior to starting your primary Python application.
22Doing so during an existing run may still use old data depending on the
23architecture of your program.
26from avwx.data.build_aircraft import main as update_aircraft
27from avwx.data.build_navaids import main as update_navaids
28from avwx.data.build_stations import main as update_stations
31def update_all() -> bool:
32    """Update all local data. Requires a reimport to guarentee update"""
33    return not any(func() for func in (update_aircraft, update_navaids, update_stations))
36__all__ = ["update_all", "update_aircraft", "update_navaids", "update_stations"]
39if __name__ == "__main__":
40    update_all()
def update_all() -> bool:
32def update_all() -> bool:
33    """Update all local data. Requires a reimport to guarentee update"""
34    return not any(func() for func in (update_aircraft, update_navaids, update_stations))

Update all local data. Requires a reimport to guarentee update

def update_aircraft() -> int:
17def main() -> int:
18    """Build/update aircraft.json codes."""
19    resp = httpx.get(URL)
20    if resp.status_code != 200:
21        return 1
22    text = resp.text
23    text = text[text.find("<caption>ICAO") :]
24    rows = text[: text.find("</table>")].split("<tr>")[2:]
25    craft = {}
26    for row in rows:
27        cols = row.split("\n")
28        name = TAG_PATTERN.sub("", cols[3]).strip()
29        if "deprecated" in name:
30            continue
31        code = TAG_PATTERN.sub("", cols[1]).strip()
32        if code not in craft:
33            craft[code] = name
34    old_craft = json.load(OUTPUT_PATH.open(encoding="utf8"))
35    json.dump(old_craft | craft, OUTPUT_PATH.open("w", encoding="utf8"))
36    return 0

Build/update aircraft.json codes.

def update_navaids() -> None:
14def main() -> None:
15    """Build the navaid coordinate map."""
16    text = httpx.get(URL).text
17    lines = text.strip().split("\n")
18    lines.pop(0)
19    data: dict[str, set[tuple[float, float]]] = {}
20    for line_str in lines:
21        line = line_str.split(",")
22        try:
23            ident, lat, lon = line[2].strip('"'), float(line[6]), float(line[7])
24        except ValueError:
25            continue
26        if not ident:
27            continue
28        try:
29            data[ident].add((lat, lon))
30        except KeyError:
31            data[ident] = {(lat, lon)}
32    output = {k: list(v) for k, v in data.items()}
33    json.dump(output, OUTPUT_PATH.open("w"), sort_keys=True)

Build the navaid coordinate map.

def update_stations() -> int:
264def main() -> int:
265    """Build/update the stations.json main file."""
266    LOG.info("Fetching")
267    if not download_source_files():
268        LOG.error("Unable to update source files")
269        return 1
270    check_local_icaos()
271    check_local_awos()
272    LOG.info("Cleaning")
273    clean_source_files()
274    LOG.info("Building")
275    load_codes()
276    stations, code_map = build_stations()
277    stations = add_missing_stations(stations)
278    stations = add_reporting(stations)
279    stations = add_runways(stations, code_map)
280    LOG.info("Saving")
281    save_station_data(stations)
282    LOG.info("Updating station date")
283    update_station_info_date()
284    return 0

Build/update the stations.json main file.