
Functions for translating report data.

  1"""Functions for translating report data."""
  3# stdlib
  4from __future__ import annotations
  6from contextlib import suppress
  8# module
  9from avwx.static.core import CLOUD_TRANSLATIONS
 10from avwx.structs import Cloud, Code, Number, ReportTrans, SharedData, Units
 13def get_cardinal_direction(direction: float) -> str:
 14    """Return the cardinal direction (NSEW) for a degree direction.
 16    Wind Direction - Cheat Sheet:
 18    (360) -- 011/012 -- 033/034 -- (045) -- 056/057 -- 078/079 -- (090)
 20    (090) -- 101/102 -- 123/124 -- (135) -- 146/147 -- 168/169 -- (180)
 22    (180) -- 191/192 -- 213/214 -- (225) -- 236/237 -- 258/259 -- (270)
 24    (270) -- 281/282 -- 303/304 -- (315) -- 326/327 -- 348/349 -- (360)
 25    """
 26    ret = ""
 27    if not isinstance(direction, int):
 28        direction = int(direction)
 29    # Convert to range [0 360]
 30    while direction < 0:
 31        direction += 360
 32    direction = direction % 360
 33    if 304 <= direction <= 360 or 0 <= direction <= 56:
 34        ret += "N"
 35        if 304 <= direction <= 348:
 36            if 327 <= direction <= 348:
 37                ret += "N"
 38            ret += "W"
 39        elif 12 <= direction <= 56:
 40            if 12 <= direction <= 33:
 41                ret += "N"
 42            ret += "E"
 43    elif 124 <= direction <= 236:
 44        ret += "S"
 45        if 124 <= direction <= 168:
 46            if 147 <= direction <= 168:
 47                ret += "S"
 48            ret += "E"
 49        elif 192 <= direction <= 236:
 50            if 192 <= direction <= 213:
 51                ret += "S"
 52            ret += "W"
 53    elif 57 <= direction <= 123:
 54        ret += "E"
 55        if 57 <= direction <= 78:
 56            ret += "NE"
 57        elif 102 <= direction <= 123:
 58            ret += "SE"
 59    elif 237 <= direction <= 303:
 60        ret += "W"
 61        if 237 <= direction <= 258:
 62            ret += "SW"
 63        elif 282 <= direction <= 303:
 64            ret += "NW"
 65    return ret
 68WIND_DIR_REPR = {"000": "Calm", "VRB": "Variable"}
 71def wind(
 72    direction: Number | None,
 73    speed: Number | None,
 74    gust: Number | None,
 75    vardir: list[Number] | None = None,
 76    unit: str = "kt",
 77    *,
 78    cardinals: bool = True,
 79    spoken: bool = False,
 80) -> str:
 81    """Format wind elements into a readable sentence.
 83    Returns the translation string.
 85    Ex: NNE-020 (variable 010 to 040) at 14kt gusting to 20kt
 86    """
 87    ret = ""
 88    target = "spoken" if spoken else "repr"
 89    # Wind direction
 90    if direction:
 91        if direction.repr in WIND_DIR_REPR:
 92            ret += WIND_DIR_REPR[direction.repr]
 93        elif direction.value is None:
 94            ret += direction.repr
 95        else:
 96            if cardinals:
 97                ret += f"{get_cardinal_direction(direction.value)}-"
 98            ret += getattr(direction, target)
 99    # Variable direction
100    if vardir and isinstance(vardir, list):
101        vardir = [getattr(var, target) for var in vardir]
102        ret += f" (variable {vardir[0]} to {vardir[1]})"
103    # Speed
104    if speed and speed.value:
105        ret += f" at {speed.value}{unit}"
106    # Gust
107    if gust and gust.value:
108        ret += f" gusting to {gust.value}{unit}"
109    return ret
112VIS_REPR = {
113    "P6": "Greater than 6sm ( >10km )",
114    "M1/2": "Less than .5sm ( <0.8km )",
115    "M1/4": "Less than .25sm ( <0.4km )",
116    "M1/8": "Less than .125sm ( <0.2km )",
120def visibility(vis: Number | None, unit: str = "m") -> str:
121    """Format a visibility element into a string with both km and sm values.
123    Ex: 8km ( 5sm )
124    """
125    if not (vis and unit in {"m", "sm"}):
126        return ""
127    with suppress(KeyError):
128        return VIS_REPR[vis.repr]
129    if vis.value is None:
130        return ""
131    if unit == "m":
132        meters = vis.value
133        miles = meters * 0.000621371
134        converted = str(round(miles, 1)).replace(".0", "") + "sm"
135        value = str(round(meters / 1000, 1)).replace(".0", "")
136        unit = "km"
137    elif unit == "sm":
138        miles = vis.value or 0
139        kilometers = miles / 0.621371
140        converted = str(round(kilometers, 1)).replace(".0", "") + "km"
141        value = str(miles).replace(".0", "")
142    else:
143        return ""
144    return f"{value}{unit} ({converted})"
147def temperature(temp: Number | None, unit: str = "C") -> str:
148    """Format a temperature element into a string with both C and F values.
150    Used for both Temp and Dew.
152    Ex: 34°C (93°F)
153    """
154    unit = unit.upper()
155    if not (temp and temp.value is not None and unit in {"C", "F"}):
156        return ""
157    if unit == "C":
158        fahrenheit = temp.value * 1.8 + 32
159        converted = f"{int(round(fahrenheit))}°F"
160    elif unit == "F":
161        celsius = (temp.value - 32) / 1.8
162        converted = f"{int(round(celsius))}°C"
163    else:
164        return ""
165    return f"{temp.value}°{unit} ({converted})"
168def altimeter(alt: Number | None, unit: str = "hPa") -> str:
169    """Format the altimeter element into a string with hPa and inHg values.
171    Ex: 30.11 inHg (10.20 hPa)
172    """
173    if not (alt and alt.value is not None and unit in {"hPa", "inHg"}):
174        return ""
175    if unit == "hPa":
176        value = str(alt.value)
177        inches = round(alt.value / 33.8638866667, 2)
178        converted = str(inches).ljust(5, "0") + " inHg"
179    elif unit == "inHg":
180        value = str(alt.value).ljust(5, "0")
181        pascals = alt.value * 33.8638866667
182        converted = f"{int(round(pascals))} hPa"
183    else:
184        return ""
185    return f"{value} {unit} ({converted})"
188def clouds(values: list[Cloud] | None, unit: str = "ft") -> str:
189    """Format cloud list into a readable sentence.
191    Returns the translation string.
193    Ex: Broken layer at 2200ft (Cumulonimbus), Overcast layer at 3600ft - Reported AGL
194    """
195    if values is None:
196        return ""
197    ret = []
198    for cloud in values:
199        if cloud.base is None:
200            continue
201        cloud_str = CLOUD_TRANSLATIONS[cloud.type]
202        if cloud.modifier and cloud.modifier in CLOUD_TRANSLATIONS:
203            cloud_str += f" ({CLOUD_TRANSLATIONS[cloud.modifier]})"
204        ret.append(cloud_str.format(cloud.base * 100, unit))
205    return ", ".join(ret) + " - Reported AGL" if ret else "Sky clear"
208def wx_codes(codes: list[Code]) -> str:
209    """Join WX code values,
211    Returns the translation string,
212    """
213    return ", ".join(code.value for code in codes)
216def current_shared(wxdata: SharedData, units: Units) -> ReportTrans:
217    """Translate Visibility, Altimeter, Clouds, and Other,"""
218    return ReportTrans(
219        visibility=visibility(wxdata.visibility, units.visibility),
220        altimeter=altimeter(wxdata.altimeter, units.altimeter),
221        clouds=clouds(wxdata.clouds, units.altitude),
222        wx_codes=wx_codes(wxdata.wx_codes),
223    )
def get_cardinal_direction(direction: float) -> str:
14def get_cardinal_direction(direction: float) -> str:
15    """Return the cardinal direction (NSEW) for a degree direction.
17    Wind Direction - Cheat Sheet:
19    (360) -- 011/012 -- 033/034 -- (045) -- 056/057 -- 078/079 -- (090)
21    (090) -- 101/102 -- 123/124 -- (135) -- 146/147 -- 168/169 -- (180)
23    (180) -- 191/192 -- 213/214 -- (225) -- 236/237 -- 258/259 -- (270)
25    (270) -- 281/282 -- 303/304 -- (315) -- 326/327 -- 348/349 -- (360)
26    """
27    ret = ""
28    if not isinstance(direction, int):
29        direction = int(direction)
30    # Convert to range [0 360]
31    while direction < 0:
32        direction += 360
33    direction = direction % 360
34    if 304 <= direction <= 360 or 0 <= direction <= 56:
35        ret += "N"
36        if 304 <= direction <= 348:
37            if 327 <= direction <= 348:
38                ret += "N"
39            ret += "W"
40        elif 12 <= direction <= 56:
41            if 12 <= direction <= 33:
42                ret += "N"
43            ret += "E"
44    elif 124 <= direction <= 236:
45        ret += "S"
46        if 124 <= direction <= 168:
47            if 147 <= direction <= 168:
48                ret += "S"
49            ret += "E"
50        elif 192 <= direction <= 236:
51            if 192 <= direction <= 213:
52                ret += "S"
53            ret += "W"
54    elif 57 <= direction <= 123:
55        ret += "E"
56        if 57 <= direction <= 78:
57            ret += "NE"
58        elif 102 <= direction <= 123:
59            ret += "SE"
60    elif 237 <= direction <= 303:
61        ret += "W"
62        if 237 <= direction <= 258:
63            ret += "SW"
64        elif 282 <= direction <= 303:
65            ret += "NW"
66    return ret

Return the cardinal direction (NSEW) for a degree direction.

Wind Direction - Cheat Sheet:

(360) -- 011/012 -- 033/034 -- (045) -- 056/057 -- 078/079 -- (090)

(090) -- 101/102 -- 123/124 -- (135) -- 146/147 -- 168/169 -- (180)

(180) -- 191/192 -- 213/214 -- (225) -- 236/237 -- 258/259 -- (270)

(270) -- 281/282 -- 303/304 -- (315) -- 326/327 -- 348/349 -- (360)

WIND_DIR_REPR = {'000': 'Calm', 'VRB': 'Variable'}
def wind( direction: avwx.structs.Number | None, speed: avwx.structs.Number | None, gust: avwx.structs.Number | None, vardir: list[avwx.structs.Number] | None = None, unit: str = 'kt', *, cardinals: bool = True, spoken: bool = False) -> str:
 72def wind(
 73    direction: Number | None,
 74    speed: Number | None,
 75    gust: Number | None,
 76    vardir: list[Number] | None = None,
 77    unit: str = "kt",
 78    *,
 79    cardinals: bool = True,
 80    spoken: bool = False,
 81) -> str:
 82    """Format wind elements into a readable sentence.
 84    Returns the translation string.
 86    Ex: NNE-020 (variable 010 to 040) at 14kt gusting to 20kt
 87    """
 88    ret = ""
 89    target = "spoken" if spoken else "repr"
 90    # Wind direction
 91    if direction:
 92        if direction.repr in WIND_DIR_REPR:
 93            ret += WIND_DIR_REPR[direction.repr]
 94        elif direction.value is None:
 95            ret += direction.repr
 96        else:
 97            if cardinals:
 98                ret += f"{get_cardinal_direction(direction.value)}-"
 99            ret += getattr(direction, target)
100    # Variable direction
101    if vardir and isinstance(vardir, list):
102        vardir = [getattr(var, target) for var in vardir]
103        ret += f" (variable {vardir[0]} to {vardir[1]})"
104    # Speed
105    if speed and speed.value:
106        ret += f" at {speed.value}{unit}"
107    # Gust
108    if gust and gust.value:
109        ret += f" gusting to {gust.value}{unit}"
110    return ret

Format wind elements into a readable sentence.

Returns the translation string.

Ex: NNE-020 (variable 010 to 040) at 14kt gusting to 20kt

VIS_REPR = {'P6': 'Greater than 6sm ( >10km )', 'M1/2': 'Less than .5sm ( <0.8km )', 'M1/4': 'Less than .25sm ( <0.4km )', 'M1/8': 'Less than .125sm ( <0.2km )'}
def visibility(vis: avwx.structs.Number | None, unit: str = 'm') -> str:
121def visibility(vis: Number | None, unit: str = "m") -> str:
122    """Format a visibility element into a string with both km and sm values.
124    Ex: 8km ( 5sm )
125    """
126    if not (vis and unit in {"m", "sm"}):
127        return ""
128    with suppress(KeyError):
129        return VIS_REPR[vis.repr]
130    if vis.value is None:
131        return ""
132    if unit == "m":
133        meters = vis.value
134        miles = meters * 0.000621371
135        converted = str(round(miles, 1)).replace(".0", "") + "sm"
136        value = str(round(meters / 1000, 1)).replace(".0", "")
137        unit = "km"
138    elif unit == "sm":
139        miles = vis.value or 0
140        kilometers = miles / 0.621371
141        converted = str(round(kilometers, 1)).replace(".0", "") + "km"
142        value = str(miles).replace(".0", "")
143    else:
144        return ""
145    return f"{value}{unit} ({converted})"

Format a visibility element into a string with both km and sm values.

Ex: 8km ( 5sm )

def temperature(temp: avwx.structs.Number | None, unit: str = 'C') -> str:
148def temperature(temp: Number | None, unit: str = "C") -> str:
149    """Format a temperature element into a string with both C and F values.
151    Used for both Temp and Dew.
153    Ex: 34°C (93°F)
154    """
155    unit = unit.upper()
156    if not (temp and temp.value is not None and unit in {"C", "F"}):
157        return ""
158    if unit == "C":
159        fahrenheit = temp.value * 1.8 + 32
160        converted = f"{int(round(fahrenheit))}°F"
161    elif unit == "F":
162        celsius = (temp.value - 32) / 1.8
163        converted = f"{int(round(celsius))}°C"
164    else:
165        return ""
166    return f"{temp.value}°{unit} ({converted})"

Format a temperature element into a string with both C and F values.

Used for both Temp and Dew.

Ex: 34°C (93°F)

def altimeter(alt: avwx.structs.Number | None, unit: str = 'hPa') -> str:
169def altimeter(alt: Number | None, unit: str = "hPa") -> str:
170    """Format the altimeter element into a string with hPa and inHg values.
172    Ex: 30.11 inHg (10.20 hPa)
173    """
174    if not (alt and alt.value is not None and unit in {"hPa", "inHg"}):
175        return ""
176    if unit == "hPa":
177        value = str(alt.value)
178        inches = round(alt.value / 33.8638866667, 2)
179        converted = str(inches).ljust(5, "0") + " inHg"
180    elif unit == "inHg":
181        value = str(alt.value).ljust(5, "0")
182        pascals = alt.value * 33.8638866667
183        converted = f"{int(round(pascals))} hPa"
184    else:
185        return ""
186    return f"{value} {unit} ({converted})"

Format the altimeter element into a string with hPa and inHg values.

Ex: 30.11 inHg (10.20 hPa)

def clouds(values: list[avwx.structs.Cloud] | None, unit: str = 'ft') -> str:
189def clouds(values: list[Cloud] | None, unit: str = "ft") -> str:
190    """Format cloud list into a readable sentence.
192    Returns the translation string.
194    Ex: Broken layer at 2200ft (Cumulonimbus), Overcast layer at 3600ft - Reported AGL
195    """
196    if values is None:
197        return ""
198    ret = []
199    for cloud in values:
200        if cloud.base is None:
201            continue
202        cloud_str = CLOUD_TRANSLATIONS[cloud.type]
203        if cloud.modifier and cloud.modifier in CLOUD_TRANSLATIONS:
204            cloud_str += f" ({CLOUD_TRANSLATIONS[cloud.modifier]})"
205        ret.append(cloud_str.format(cloud.base * 100, unit))
206    return ", ".join(ret) + " - Reported AGL" if ret else "Sky clear"

Format cloud list into a readable sentence.

Returns the translation string.

Ex: Broken layer at 2200ft (Cumulonimbus), Overcast layer at 3600ft - Reported AGL

def wx_codes(codes: list[avwx.structs.Code]) -> str:
209def wx_codes(codes: list[Code]) -> str:
210    """Join WX code values,
212    Returns the translation string,
213    """
214    return ", ".join(code.value for code in codes)

Join WX code values,

Returns the translation string,

def current_shared( wxdata: avwx.structs.SharedData, units: avwx.structs.Units) -> avwx.structs.ReportTrans:
217def current_shared(wxdata: SharedData, units: Units) -> ReportTrans:
218    """Translate Visibility, Altimeter, Clouds, and Other,"""
219    return ReportTrans(
220        visibility=visibility(wxdata.visibility, units.visibility),
221        altimeter=altimeter(wxdata.altimeter, units.altimeter),
222        clouds=clouds(wxdata.clouds, units.altitude),
223        wx_codes=wx_codes(wxdata.wx_codes),
224    )

Translate Visibility, Altimeter, Clouds, and Other,