Core static values for internal and external use.
METAR and TAF reports come in two variants depending on the station's location: North American & International. This affects both element parsing and inferred units of measurement. AVWX determines this by looking at the station's ICAO value.
1"""Core static values for internal and external use. 2 3METAR and TAF reports come in two variants depending on the station's 4location: North American & International. This affects both element 5parsing and inferred units of measurement. AVWX determines this by 6looking at the station's ICAO value. 7""" 8 9NA_REGIONS = ( 10 "C", 11 "K", 12 "P", 13 "T", 14) 15"""Station Location Identifiers - North American formatting""" 16 17IN_REGIONS = ( 18 "A", 19 "B", 20 "D", 21 "E", 22 "F", 23 "G", 24 "H", 25 "L", 26 "N", 27 "O", 28 "R", 29 "S", 30 "U", 31 "V", 32 "W", 33 "Y", 34 "Z", 35) 36"""Station Location Identifiers - International formatting""" 37 38# The Central American region is split. Therefore we need to use the first two letters 39M_NA_REGIONS = ( 40 "MB", 41 "MM", 42 "MT", 43 "MY", 44) 45"""Central America Station Location Identifiers - North American formatting""" 46 47M_IN_REGIONS = ( 48 "MD", 49 "MG", 50 "MH", 51 "MK", 52 "MN", 53 "MP", 54 "MR", 55 "MS", 56 "MU", 57 "MW", 58 "MZ", 59) 60"""Central America Station Location Identifiers - International formatting""" 61 62NA_UNITS = { 63 "altimeter": "inHg", 64 "altitude": "ft", 65 "accumulation": "in", 66 "temperature": "C", 67 "visibility": "sm", 68 "wind_speed": "kt", 69} 70"""North American variant units""" 71 72IN_UNITS = { 73 "altimeter": "hPa", 74 "altitude": "ft", 75 "accumulation": "in", 76 "temperature": "C", 77 "visibility": "m", 78 "wind_speed": "kt", 79} 80"""International variant units""" 81 82WIND_UNITS = { 83 "KT": "kt", 84 "KTS": "kt", 85 "MPS": "m/s", 86 "KMH": "km/h", 87 "MPH": "mi/h", 88} 89"""Expected unit postfixes for wind elements in order of frequency""" 90 91FLIGHT_RULES = ( 92 "VFR", 93 "MVFR", 94 "IFR", 95 "LIFR", 96) 97"""List of flight rules abbreviations""" 98 99CLOUD_LIST = ( 100 "FEW", 101 "SCT", 102 "BKN", 103 "OVC", 104) 105"""List of cloud layer abbreviations""" 106 107CARDINALS = { 108 "N": 360, 109 "NORTH": 360, 110 "NE": 45, 111 "E": 90, 112 "EAST": 90, 113 "SE": 135, 114 "S": 180, 115 "SOUTH": 180, 116 "SW": 225, 117 "W": 270, 118 "WEST": 270, 119 "NW": 315, 120} 121"""Dictionary of cardinal direction values""" 122 123CARDINAL_DEGREES = { 124 "NNE": 22.5, 125 "NE": 45, 126 "ENE": 67.5, 127 "E": 90, 128 "ESE": 112.5, 129 "SE": 135, 130 "SSE": 157.5, 131 "S": 180, 132 "SSW": 202.5, 133 "SW": 225, 134 "WSW": 247.5, 135 "W": 270, 136 "WNW": 292.5, 137 "NW": 315, 138 "NNW": 337.5, 139 "N": 0, 140} 141"""Dictionary of tertiary cardinal directions to degree values with North at 0""" 142 143WX_TRANSLATIONS = { 144 "BC": "Patchy", 145 "BL": "Blowing", 146 "BR": "Mist", 147 "DR": "Low Drifting", 148 "DS": "Duststorm", 149 "DU": "Wide Dust", 150 "DZ": "Drizzle", 151 "FC": "Funnel Cloud", 152 "FG": "Fog", 153 "FU": "Smoke", 154 "FZ": "Freezing", 155 "GR": "Hail", 156 "GS": "Small Hail", 157 "HZ": "Haze", 158 "IC": "Ice Crystals", 159 "MI": "Shallow", 160 "PL": "Ice Pellets", 161 "PO": "Dust Whirls", 162 "PR": "Partial", 163 "PY": "Spray", 164 "RA": "Rain", 165 "SA": "Sand", 166 "SG": "Snow Grains", 167 "SH": "Showers", 168 "SN": "Snow", 169 "SQ": "Squall", 170 "SS": "Sandstorm", 171 "SY": "Spray", 172 "TS": "Thunderstorm", 173 "UP": "Unknown Precip", 174 "VA": "Volcanic Ash", 175 "VC": "Vicinity", 176} 177"""Dictionary associating WX codes with descriptions""" 178 179CLOUD_TRANSLATIONS = { 180 "OVC": "Overcast layer at {0}{1}", 181 "BKN": "Broken layer at {0}{1}", 182 "SCT": "Scattered clouds at {0}{1}", 183 "FEW": "Few clouds at {0}{1}", 184 "VV": "Vertical visibility up to {0}{1}", 185 "CLR": "Sky Clear", 186 "SKC": "Sky Clear", 187 "AC": "Altocumulus", 188 "ACC": "Altocumulus Castellanus", 189 "AS": "Altostratus", 190 "CB": "Cumulonimbus", 191 "CC": "Cirrocumulus", 192 "CI": "Cirrus", 193 "CS": "Cirrostratus", 194 "CU": "Cumulus", 195 "FC": "Fractocumulus", 196 "FS": "Fractostratus", 197 "NS": "Nimbostratus", 198 "SC": "Stratocumulus", 199 "ST": "Stratus", 200 "TCU": "Towering Cumulus", 201 None: "Unknown", 202} 203"""Dictionary associating cloud layer and cloud codes with descriptions""" 204 205SPOKEN_UNITS = { 206 "sm": "mile", 207 "mi": "mile", 208 "km": "kilometer", 209 "C": "Celsius", 210 "F": "Fahrenheit", 211 "kt": "knot", 212} 213"""Units required to be translated in order to be spoken properly""" 214 215NUMBER_REPL = { 216 ".": "point", 217 "-": "minus", 218 "M": "minus", 219 "0": "zero", 220 "1": "one", 221 "2": "two", 222 "3": "three", 223 "4": "four", 224 "5": "five", 225 "6": "six", 226 "7": "seven", 227 "8": "eight", 228 "9": "nine", 229} 230"""Dictionary associating algebraic signs with their spoken version""" 231 232FRACTIONS = {"1/4": "one quarter", "1/2": "one half", "3/4": "three quarters"} 233"""Dictionary associating fraction strings with their spoken version""" 234 235SPECIAL_NUMBERS = { 236 "CAVOK": (9999, "ceiling and visibility ok"), 237 "VRB": (None, "variable"), 238 "CLM": (0, "calm"), 239 "SFC": (0, "surface"), 240 "GND": (0, "ground"), 241 "STNR": (0, "stationary"), 242 "LTL": (0, "little"), 243 "FRZLVL": (None, "freezing level"), 244 "UNL": (999, "Unlimited"), 245} 246"""Dictionary associating special number values with their spoken version""" 247 248REMARKS_ELEMENTS = { 249 "$": "ASOS requires maintenance", 250 "AO1": "Automated with no precipitation sensor", 251 "AO2": "Automated with precipitation sensor", 252 "ADVISORY": "Advisory only. Do not use for flight planning", 253 "BINOVC": "Breaks in Overcast", 254 "FZRANO": "Freezing rain information not available", 255 "NOSPECI": "No SPECI reports taken", 256 "P0000": "Trace amount of rain in the last hour", 257 "PNO": "Precipitation amount not available", 258 "PRESFR": "Pressure Falling Rapidly", 259 "PRESRR": "Pressure Rising Rapidly", 260 "PWINO": "Precipitation identifier information not available", 261 "RVRNO": "Runway Visual Range missing", 262 "SLPNO": "Sea level pressure not available", 263 "SOG": "Snow on the ground", 264 "TSNO": "Thunderstorm information not available", 265} 266"""Static remarks translation elements""" 267 268REMARKS_GROUPS = {"ACFT MSHP": "Aircraft mishap"} 269"""Static remarks translation groups"""
Station Location Identifiers - North American formatting
Station Location Identifiers - International formatting
Central America Station Location Identifiers - North American formatting
Central America Station Location Identifiers - International formatting
North American variant units
International variant units
Expected unit postfixes for wind elements in order of frequency
List of flight rules abbreviations
List of cloud layer abbreviations
Dictionary of cardinal direction values
Dictionary of tertiary cardinal directions to degree values with North at 0
Dictionary associating WX codes with descriptions
Dictionary associating cloud layer and cloud codes with descriptions
Units required to be translated in order to be spoken properly
Dictionary associating algebraic signs with their spoken version
Dictionary associating fraction strings with their spoken version
Dictionary associating special number values with their spoken version
Static remarks translation elements
Static remarks translation groups