
AVWX includes a compiled glossary of common report abbreviations that are listed separate from any other parsing mechanism. This is provided just for you to assist in translating the original reports or any item left in the other element.

   1"""AVWX includes a compiled glossary of common report abbreviations that are
   2listed separate from any other parsing mechanism. This is provided just
   3for you to assist in translating the original reports or any item left in
   4the `other` element.
   7# Initial reference:
   8# https://www.redimec.com.ar/contenido/productos/pdf/1421905575_1.pdf
  10# Duplicate enitries prioritized for METAR
  11METAR = {"BR": "Mist", "SS": "Sandstorm"}
  12"""Glossary conflicts used only in METARs."""
  14# Regional locations. Some duplicates
  16    "AK": "Alaska",
  17    "AL": "Alabama",
  18    "ADRNDCK": "Adirondack",
  19    "ALGHNY": "Allegheny",
  20    "ALTA": "Alberta",
  21    "ALUTN": "Aleutian",
  22    "APLCN": "Appalachian",
  23    "APLCNS": "Appalachians",
  24    "AR": "Arkansas",
  25    "AZ": "Arizona",
  26    "BAJA": "Baja, California",
  27    "BC": "British Columbia",
  28    "BDA": "Bermuda",
  29    "BLKHLS": "Black Hills",
  30    "BOOTHEEL": "Bootheel",
  31    "BRKSHR": "Berkshire",
  32    "BRKSHRS": "Berkshires",
  33    "CA": "California",
  34    "CARIB": "Caribbean",
  35    "CASCDS": "Cascades",
  36    "CHSPK": "Chesapeake",
  37    "CNDN": "Canadian",
  38    "CO": "Colorado",
  39    "CONUS": "Continental U.S.",
  40    "DC": "District of Columbia",
  41    "DE": "Delaware",
  42    "DELMARVA": "Delaware-Maryland-Virginia",
  43    "DKTS": "Dakotas",
  44    "FL": "Florida",
  45    "GA": "Georgia",
  46    "GRTLKS": "Great Lakes",
  47    "HDSVLY": "Hudson Valley",
  48    "IA": "Iowa",
  49    "ID": "Idaho",
  50    "IL": "Illinois",
  51    "KS": "Kansas",
  52    "KY": "Kentucky",
  53    "LA": "Louisiana",
  54    "LABRDR": "Labrador",
  55    "MA": "Massachusetts",
  56    "MAN": "Manitoba",
  57    "MD": "Maryland",
  58    "ME": "Maine",
  59    "MEX": "Mexico",
  60    "MHKVLY": "Mohawk Valley",
  61    "MI": "Michigan",
  62    "MN": "Minnesota",
  63    "MO": "Missouri",
  64    "MS": "Mississippi",
  65    "MT": "Montana",
  66    "NB": "New Brunswick",
  67    "NC": "North Carolina",
  68    "ND": "North Dakota",
  69    "NEB": "Nebraska",
  70    "NEW ENG": "New England",
  71    "NFLD": "Newfoundland",
  72    "NH": "New Hampshire",
  73    "NJ": "New Jersey",
  74    "NM": "New Mexico",
  75    "NS": "Nova Scotia",
  76    "NV": "Nevada",
  77    "NY": "New York",
  78    "OH": "Ohio",
  79    "OK": "Oklahoma",
  80    "OR": "Oregon",
  81    "PA": "Pennsylvania",
  82    "PGTSND": "Puget Sound",
  83    "PUGET": "Puget Sound",
  84    "QUE": "Quebec",
  85    "RCKYS": "Rockies",
  86    "RI": "Rhode Island",
  87    "RIOGD": "Rio Grande",
  88    "SASK": "Saskatchewan",
  89    "SC": "South Carolina",
  90    "SD": "South Dakota",
  91    "SIERNEV": "Sierra Nevada",
  92    "SPLNS": "Southern Plains",
  93    "TN": "Tennessee",
  94    "TX": "Texas",
  95    "UT": "Utah",
  96    "VA": "Virginia",
  97    "VRISL": "Vancouver Island, BC",
  98    "VT": "Vermont",
  99    "WA": "Washington",
 100    "WI": "Wisconsin",
 101    "WPLTO": "Western Plateau",
 102    "WSTCH": "Wasatch Range",
 103    "WV": "West Virginia",
 104    "WY": "Wyoming",
 105    "YKN": "Yukon",
 106    "YLSTN": "Yellowstone",
 108"""Glossary items and conflicts used for reports referencing locations
 109in North America.
 112GLOBAL = {
 113    "ABNDT": "Abundant",
 114    "ABNML": "Abnormal",
 115    "ABT": "About",
 116    "ABV": "Above",
 117    "AC": "Convective outlook or altocumulus",
 118    "ACC": "Altocumulus castellanus clouds",
 119    "ACCAS": "Altocumulus castellanus clouds",
 120    "ACCUM": "Accumulate",
 121    "ACFT": "Aircraft",
 122    "ACFT MSHP": "Aircraft Mishap",
 123    "ACLT": "Accelerate",
 124    "ACLTD": "Accelerated",
 125    "ACLTG": "Accelerating",
 126    "ACLTS": "Accelerates",
 127    "ACPY": "Accompany",
 128    "ACRS": "Across",
 129    "ACSL": "Altocumulus standing lenticular",
 130    "ACTV": "Active",
 131    "ACTVTY": "Activity",
 132    "ACYC": "Anticyclone",
 133    "ADJ": "Adjacent",
 134    "ADL": "Additional",
 135    "ADQT": "Adequate",
 136    "ADQTLY": "Adequately",
 137    "ADVCT": "Advect",
 138    "ADVCTD": "Advected",
 139    "ADVCTG": "Advecting",
 140    "ADVCTN": "Advection",
 141    "ADVCTS": "Advects",
 142    "ADVN": "Advance",
 143    "ADVNG": "Advancing",
 144    "ADVY": "Advisory",
 145    "ADVYS": "Advisories",
 146    "AFCT": "Affect",
 147    "AFCTD": "Affected",
 148    "AFCTG": "Affecting",
 149    "AFDK": "After dark",
 150    "AFOS": "Automated Field Operations System",
 151    "AFSS": "Automated Flight Service Station",
 152    "AFT": "After",
 153    "AFTN": "Afternoon",
 154    "AGL": "Above ground level",
 155    "AGN": "Again",
 156    "AGRD Agreed": "Agreed",
 157    "AGRMT Agreement": "Agreement",
 158    "AGRS Agrees": "Agrees",
 159    "AHD Ahead": "Ahead",
 160    "AIRMET": "Airman's Meteorological Information",
 161    "ALF": "Aloft",
 162    "ALG": "Along",
 163    "ALP": "Airport Location Point",
 164    "ALQDS": "All quadrants",
 165    "ALSTG": "Altimeter setting",
 166    "ALT": "Altitude",
 167    "ALTHO": "Although",
 168    "ALTM": "Altimeter",
 169    "AMD": "Amend",
 170    "AMDD": "Amended",
 171    "AMDG": "Amending",
 172    "AMDT": "Amendment",
 173    "AMP": "Amplify",
 174    "AMPG": "Amplifying",
 175    "AMPLTD": "Amplitude",
 176    "AMS": "Air mass",
 177    "AMT": "Amount",
 178    "ANLYS": "Analysis",
 179    "ANS": "Answer",
 180    "AO1": "Automated Reporting Station",
 181    "AO2": "Automated Reporting Station",
 182    "AOA": "At or above",
 183    "AOB": "At or below",
 184    "AP": "Anomalous Propagation",
 185    "APCH": "Approach",
 186    "APCHG": "Approaching",
 187    "APCHS": "Approaches",
 188    "APPR": "Appear",
 189    "APPRG": "Appearing",
 190    "APPRS": "Appears",
 191    "APRNT": "Apparent",
 192    "APRNTLY": "Apparently",
 193    "APRX": "Approximate",
 194    "APRXLY": "Approximately",
 195    "ARL": "Air Resources Lab",
 196    "ARND": "Around",
 197    "ARPT": "Airport",
 198    "ASAP": "As soon as possible",
 199    "ASL": "Above Sea Level",
 200    "ASMD": "As Amended",
 201    "ASOS": "Automated Surface Observing System",
 202    "ASSOCD": "Associated",
 203    "ASSOCN": "Association",
 204    "ATCT": "Air Traffic Control Tower",
 205    "ATLC": "Atlantic",
 206    "ATTM": "At this time",
 207    "ATTN": "Attention",
 208    "AUTO": "Automated report",
 209    "AVBL": "Available",
 210    "AVG": "Average",
 211    "AVN": "Aviation model",
 212    "AWC": "Aviation Weather Center",
 213    "AWIPS": "Advanced Interactive Weather Processing System",
 214    "AWOS": "Automated Weather Observing system",
 215    "AWT": "Awaiting",
 216    "AWW": "Alert Weather Watch",
 217    "AZM": "Azimuth",
 218    "B": "Began",
 219    "BACLIN": "Baroclinic",
 220    "BATROP": "Barotropic",
 221    "BC": "Patches",
 222    "BCFG": "Patchy fog",
 223    "BCH": "Beach",
 224    "BCKG": "Backing",
 225    "BCM": "Become",
 226    "BCMG": "Becoming",
 227    "BCMS": "Becomes",
 228    "BD": "Blowing dust",
 229    "BDRY": "Boundary",
 230    "BECMG": "Becoming",
 231    "BFDK": "Before dark",
 232    "BFR": "Before",
 233    "BGN": "Begin",
 234    "BGNG": "Beginning",
 235    "BGNS": "Begins",
 236    "BHND": "Behind",
 237    "BINOVC": "Breaks in overcast",
 238    "BKN": "Broken",
 239    "BL": "Blowing",
 240    "BLD": "Build",
 241    "BLDG": "Building",
 242    "BLDS": "Builds",
 243    "BLDUP": "Buildup",
 244    "BLKT": "Blanket",
 245    "BLKTG": "Blanketing",
 246    "BLKTS": "Blankets",
 247    "BLO": "Below or below clouds",
 248    "BLW": "Below",
 249    "BLZD": "Blizzard",
 250    "BN": "Blowing sand",
 251    "BND": "Bound",
 252    "BNDRY": "Boundary",
 253    "BNDRYS": "Boundaries",
 254    "BNTH": "Beneath",
 255    "BR": "Branch",
 256    "BRF": "Brief",
 257    "BRG": "Branching",
 258    "BRK": "Break",
 259    "BRKG": "Breaking",
 260    "BRKHIC": "Breaks in higher clouds",
 261    "BRKS": "Breaks",
 262    "BRM": "Barometer",
 263    "BRN": "Bulk Richardson Number",
 264    "BRS": "Branches",
 265    "BS": "Blowing snow",
 266    "BTWN": "Between",
 267    "BWER": "Bounded weak echo region",
 268    "BYD": "Beyond",
 269    "C": "Celsius",
 270    "CA": "Cloud-to-air lightning",
 271    "CAA": "Cold air advection",
 272    "CAPE": "Convective available potential energy",
 273    "CAS": "Committee for Aviation Services",
 274    "CAT": "Clear air turbulence",
 275    "CAVOK": "Ceiling and visibility OK",
 276    "CAVU": "Ceiling and visibility unlimited",
 277    "CB": "Cumulonimbus",
 278    "CBMAM": "Cumulonimbus Mammatus clouds",
 279    "CC": "Cirrocumulus",
 280    "CCL": "Convective condensation level",
 281    "CCLDS": "Clear of clouds",
 282    "CCLKWS": "Counterclockwise",
 283    "CCSL": "Cirrocumulus standing lenticular",
 284    "CDFNT": "Cold front",
 285    "CDFNTL": "Cold frontal",
 286    "CFP": "Cold front passage",
 287    "CG": "Cloud-to-ground lightning",
 288    "CHC": "Chance",
 289    "CHCS": "Chances",
 290    "CHG": "Change",
 291    "CHGD": "Changed",
 292    "CHGG": "Changing",
 293    "CHGS": "Changes",
 294    "CHI": "Cloud-Height indicator",
 295    "CHINO": "Sky condition at secondary location not available",
 296    "CHOP": "Choppy turbulence",
 297    "CI": "Cirrus",
 298    "CIG": "Ceiling",
 299    "CIGS": "Ceilings",
 300    "CIN": "Convective inhibition",
 301    "CLD": "Cloud",
 302    "CLDNS": "Cloudiness",
 303    "CLDS": "Clouds",
 304    "CLKWS": "Clockwise",
 305    "CLR": "Clear",
 306    "CLRG": "Clearing",
 307    "CLRS": "Clears",
 308    "CMPLX": "Complex",
 309    "CNCL": "Cancel",
 310    "CNCLD": "Canceled",
 311    "CNCLG": "Canceling",
 312    "CNCLS": "Cancels",
 313    "CNTR": "Center",
 314    "CNTRD": "Centered",
 315    "CNTRL": "Central",
 316    "CNTRLN": "Centerline",
 317    "CNTRS": "Centers",
 318    "CNTY": "County",
 319    "CNTYS": "Counties",
 320    "CNVG": "Converge",
 321    "CNVGG": "Converging",
 322    "CNVGNC": "Convergence",
 323    "CNVTN": "Convection",
 324    "CNVTV": "Convective",
 325    "CNVTVLY": "Convectively",
 326    "COMPAR": "Compare",
 327    "COMPARD": "Compared",
 328    "COMPARG": "Comparing",
 329    "COMPARS": "Compares",
 330    "COMPR": "Compare",
 331    "COMPRD": "Compared",
 332    "COMPRG": "Comparing",
 333    "COMPRS": "Compares",
 334    "COND": "Condition",
 335    "CONFDC": "Confidence",
 336    "CONS": "Continuous",
 337    "CONT": "Continue",
 338    "CONTD": "Continued",
 339    "CONTDVD": "Continental Divide",
 340    "CONTG": "Continuing",
 341    "CONTLY": "Continually",
 342    "CONTRAILS": "Condensation trails",
 343    "CONTS": "Continues",
 344    "COORD": "Coordinate",
 345    "COR": "Correction",
 346    "CPBL": "Capable",
 347    "CPC": "Climate Prediction Center",
 348    "CRC": "Circle",
 349    "CRCLC": "Circulate",
 350    "CRCLN": "Circulation",
 351    "CRLC": "Circulate",
 352    "CRLN": "Circulation",
 353    "CRNR": "Corner",
 354    "CRNRS": "Corners",
 355    "CRS": "Course",
 356    "CS": "Cirrostratus",
 357    "CSDR": "Consider",
 358    "CSDRBL": "Considerable",
 359    "CST": "Coast",
 360    "CSTL": "Coastal",
 361    "CT": "Connecticut",
 362    "CTA": "Control area",
 363    "CTC": "Contact",
 364    "CTGY": "Category",
 365    "CTSKLS": "Catskills",
 366    "CU": "Cumulus",
 367    "CUFRA": "Cumulus fractus",
 368    "CVR": "Cover",
 369    "CVRD": "Covered",
 370    "CVRG": "Covering",
 371    "CVRS": "Covers",
 372    "CWSU": "Center Weather Service Units",
 373    "CYC": "Cyclonic",
 374    "CYCLGN": "Cyclogenesis",
 375    "DABRK": "Daybreak",
 376    "DALGT": "Daylight",
 377    "DBL": "Double",
 378    "DCR": "Decrease",
 379    "DCRD": "Decreased",
 380    "DCRG": "Decreasing",
 381    "DCRGLY": "Decreasingly",
 382    "DCRS": "Decreases",
 383    "DEG": "Degree",
 384    "DEGS": "Degrees",
 385    "DFCLT": "Difficult",
 386    "DFCLTY": "Difficulty",
 387    "DFNT": "Definite",
 388    "DFNTLY": "Definitely",
 389    "DFRS": "Differs",
 390    "DFUS": "Diffuse",
 391    "DGNL": "Diagonal",
 392    "DGNLLY": "Diagonally",
 393    "DIGG": "Digging",
 394    "DIR": "Direction",
 395    "DISC": "Discontinue",
 396    "DISCD": "Discontinued",
 397    "DISCG": "Discontinuing",
 398    "DISRE": "Disregard",
 399    "DISRED": "Disregarded",
 400    "DISREG": "Disregarding",
 401    "DLA": "Delay",
 402    "DLAD": "Delayed",
 403    "DLT": "Delete",
 404    "DLTD": "Deleted",
 405    "DLTG": "Deleting",
 406    "DLY": "Daily",
 407    "DMG": "Damage",
 408    "DMGD": "Damaged",
 409    "DMGG": "Damaging",
 410    "DMNT": "Dominant",
 411    "DMSH": "Diminish",
 412    "DMSHD": "Diminished",
 413    "DMSHG": "Diminishing",
 414    "DMSHS": "Diminishes",
 415    "DNDFTS": "Downdrafts",
 416    "DNS": "Dense",
 417    "DNSLP": "Downslope",
 418    "DNSTRM": "Downstream",
 419    "DNWND": "Downwind",
 420    "DP": "Deep",
 421    "DPND": "Deepened",
 422    "DPNG": "Deepening",
 423    "DPNS": "Deepens",
 424    "DPR": "Deeper",
 425    "DPTH": "Depth",
 426    "DR": "Low Drifting",
 427    "DRDU": "Drifting dust",
 428    "DRFT": "Drift",
 429    "DRFTD": "Drifted",
 430    "DRFTG": "Drifting",
 431    "DRFTS": "Drifts",
 432    "DRSA": "Low drifting sand",
 433    "DRSN": "Low drifting snow",
 434    "DRZL": "Drizzle",
 435    "DS": "Duststorm",
 436    "DSCNT": "Descent",
 437    "DSIPT": "Dissipate",
 438    "DSIPTD": "Dissipated",
 439    "DSIPTG": "Dissipating",
 440    "DSIPTN": "Dissipation",
 441    "DSIPTS": "Dissipates",
 442    "DSND": "Descend",
 443    "DSNDG": "Descending",
 444    "DSNDS": "Descends",
 445    "DSNT": "Distant",
 446    "DSTBLZ": "Destabilize",
 447    "DSTBLZD": "Destabilized",
 448    "DSTBLZG": "Destabilizing",
 449    "DSTBLZN": "Destabilization",
 450    "DSTBLZS": "Destabilizes",
 451    "DSTC": "Distance",
 452    "DTRT": "Deteriorate",
 453    "DTRTD": "Deteriorated",
 454    "DTRTG": "Deteriorating",
 455    "DTRTS": "Deteriorates",
 456    "DU": "Widespread dust storm",
 457    "DURC": "During climb",
 458    "DURD": "During descent",
 459    "DURG": "During",
 460    "DURGC": "During climb",
 461    "DURGD": "During descent",
 462    "DURN": "Duration",
 463    "DVLP": "Develop",
 464    "DVLPD": "Developed",
 465    "DVLPG": "Developing",
 466    "DVLPMT": "Development",
 467    "DVLPS": "Develops",
 468    "DVRG": "Diverge",
 469    "DVRGG": "Diverging",
 470    "DVRGNC": "Divergence",
 471    "DVRGS": "Diverges",
 472    "DVV": "Downward vertical velocity",
 473    "DWNDFTS": "Downdrafts",
 474    "DWPNT": "Dew point",
 475    "DWPNTS": "Dew points",
 476    "DX": "Duplex",
 477    "DZ": "Drizzle",
 478    "E": "East",
 479    "EBND": "Eastbound",
 480    "EFCT": "Effect",
 481    "ELNGT": "Elongate",
 482    "ELNGTD": "Elongated",
 483    "ELSW": "Elsewhere",
 484    "EMBD": "Embedded",
 485    "EMBDD": "Embedded",
 486    "EMERG": "Emergency",
 487    "ENCTR": "Encounter",
 488    "ENDG": "Ending",
 489    "ENE": "East-northeast",
 490    "ENELY": "East-northeasterly",
 491    "ENERN": "East-northeastern",
 492    "ENEWD": "East-northeastward",
 493    "ENHNC": "Enhance",
 494    "ENHNCD": "Enhanced",
 495    "ENHNCG": "Enhancing",
 496    "ENHNCMNT": "Enhancement",
 497    "ENHNCS": "Enhances",
 498    "ENRT": "Enroute",
 499    "ENTR": "Entire",
 500    "ERN": "Eastern",
 501    "ERY": "Early",
 502    "ERYR": "Earlier",
 503    "ESE": "East-southeast",
 504    "ESELY": "East-southeasterly",
 505    "ESERN": "East-southeastern",
 506    "ESEWD": "East-southeastward",
 507    "ESNTL": "Essential",
 508    "EST": "Estimate",
 509    "ESTAB": "Establish",
 510    "ESTS": "Estimates",
 511    "ETA": "Estimated time of arrival",
 512    "ETC": "Et cetera",
 513    "ETIM": "Elapsed time",
 514    "EVE": "Evening",
 515    "EWD": "Eastward",
 516    "EXCLV": "Exclusive",
 517    "EXCLVLY": "Exclusively",
 518    "EXCP": "Except",
 519    "EXP": "Expected",
 520    "EXPC": "Expect",
 521    "EXPCD": "Expected",
 522    "EXPCG": "Expecting",
 523    "EXTD": "Extend",
 524    "EXTDD": "Extended",
 525    "EXTDG": "Extending",
 526    "EXTDS": "Extends",
 527    "EXTN": "Extension",
 528    "EXTRAP": "Extrapolate",
 529    "EXTRAPD": "Extrapolated",
 530    "EXTRM": "Extreme",
 531    "EXTRMLY": "Extremely",
 532    "EXTSV": "Extensive",
 533    "F": "Fahrenheit",
 534    "FA": "Aviation area forecast",
 535    "FAH": "Fahrenheit",
 536    "FAM": "Familiar",
 537    "FC": "Funnel cloud",
 538    "FCST": "Forecast",
 539    "FCSTD": "Forecasted",
 540    "FCSTG": "Forecasting",
 541    "FCSTR": "Forecaster",
 542    "FCSTS": "Forecasts",
 543    "FEW": "Few",
 544    "FG": "Fog",
 545    "FIBI": "Filed but impracticable to transmit",
 546    "FIG": "Figure",
 547    "FILG": "Filling",
 548    "FIR": "Flight information region",
 549    "FIRAV": "First available",
 550    "FIRST": "First observation after a break in coverage at manual station",
 551    "FIS": "Flight Information Service",
 552    "FIS-B": "Flight Information Service Broadcast",
 553    "FL": "Flight level",
 554    "FLG": "Falling",
 555    "FLRY": "Flurry",
 556    "FLRYS": "Flurries",
 557    "FLT": "Flight",
 558    "FLW": "Follow",
 559    "FLWG": "Following",
 560    "FM": "From",
 561    "FMT": "Format",
 562    "FNCTN": "Function",
 563    "FNT": "Front",
 564    "FNTGNS": "Frontogenesis",
 565    "FNTL": "Frontal",
 566    "FNTLYS": "Frontolysis",
 567    "FNTS": "Fronts",
 568    "FORNN": "Forenoon",
 569    "FPM": "Feet per minute",
 570    "FQT": "Frequent",
 571    "FQTLY": "Frequently",
 572    "FRM": "Form",
 573    "FRMG": "Forming",
 574    "FRMN": "Formation",
 575    "FROPA": "Frontal passage",
 576    "FROSFC": "Frontal surface",
 577    "FRQ": "Frequent",
 578    "FRST": "Frost",
 579    "FRWF": "Forecast wind factor",
 580    "FRZ": "Freeze",
 581    "FRZG": "Freezing",
 582    "FRZLVL": "Freezing level",
 583    "FRZN": "Frozen",
 584    "FT": "Feet or Terminal Forecast",
 585    "FTHR": "Further",
 586    "FU": "Smoke",
 587    "FV": "Flight visibility",
 588    "FVRBL": "Favorable",
 589    "FWD": "Forward",
 590    "FYI": "For your information",
 591    "FZ": "Freezing",
 592    "FZRANO": "Freezing rain sensor not available",
 593    "G": "Gust",
 594    "GEN": "General",
 595    "GENLY": "Generally",
 596    "GEO": "Geographic",
 597    "GEOREF": "Geographical reference",
 598    "GF": "Fog",
 599    "GICG": "Glaze icing",
 600    "GLFALSK": "Gulf of Alaska",
 601    "GLFCAL": "Gulf of California",
 602    "GLFMEX": "Gulf of Mexico",
 603    "GLFSTLAWR": "Gulf of St. Lawrence",
 604    "GND": "Ground",
 605    "GNDFG": "Ground fog",
 606    "GOES": "Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite",
 607    "GR": "Hail",
 608    "GRAD": "Gradient",
 609    "GRDL": "Gradual",
 610    "GRDLY": "Gradually",
 611    "GRT": "Great",
 612    "GRTLY": "Greatly",
 613    "GRTR": "Greater",
 614    "GRTST": "Greatest",
 615    "GS": "Small hail",
 616    "GSTS": "Gusts",
 617    "GSTY": "Gusty",
 618    "GTS": "Global Telecommunication System",
 619    "GV": "Ground visibility",
 620    "HAZ": "Hazard",
 621    "HCVIS": "High clouds visible",
 622    "HDFRZ": "Hard freeze",
 623    "HDWND": "Head wind",
 624    "HGT": "Height",
 625    "HI": "High or Hawaii",
 626    "HIER": "Higher",
 627    "HIFOR": "High level forecast",
 628    "HLF": "Half",
 629    "HLSTO": "Hailstones",
 630    "HLTP": "Hilltop",
 631    "HLYR": "Haze layer",
 632    "HND": "Hundred",
 633    "HPC": "Hydrometeorological Prediction Center",
 634    "HR": "Hour",
 635    "HRS": "Hours",
 636    "HRZN": "Horizon",
 637    "HTG": "Heating",
 638    "HURCN": "Hurricane",
 639    "HUREP": "Hurricane report",
 640    "HV": "Have",
 641    "HVY": "Heavy",
 642    "HVYR": "Heavier",
 643    "HVYST": "Heaviest",
 644    "HWVR": "However",
 645    "HWY": "Highway",
 646    "HZ": "Haze",
 647    "IC": "Ice crystals or ice",
 648    "ICAO": "International Civil Aviation Organization",
 649    "ICG": "Icing",
 650    "ICGIC": "Icing in clouds",
 651    "ICGICIP": "Icing in clouds and in precipitation",
 652    "ICGIP": "Icing in precipitation",
 653    "IFR": "Instrument flight rules",
 654    "IMC": "Instrument meteorolgical conditions",
 655    "IMDT": "Immediate",
 656    "IMDTLY": "Immediately",
 657    "IMPL": "Impulse",
 658    "IMPLS": "Impulses",
 659    "IMPT": "Important",
 660    "INCL": "Include",
 661    "INCLD": "Included",
 662    "INCLG": "Including",
 663    "INCLS": "Includes",
 664    "INCR": "Increase",
 665    "INCRD": "Increased",
 666    "INCRG": "Increasing",
 667    "INCRGLY": "Increasingly",
 668    "INCRS": "Increases",
 669    "INDC": "Indicate",
 670    "INDCD": "Indicated",
 671    "INDCG": "Indicating",
 672    "INDCS": "Indicates",
 673    "INDEF": "Indefinite",
 674    "INFO": "Information",
 675    "INLD": "Inland",
 676    "INSTBY": "Instability",
 677    "INTCNTL": "Intercontinental",
 678    "INTER": "Intermittent",
 679    "INTL": "International",
 680    "INTMD": "Intermediate",
 681    "INTMT": "Intermittent",
 682    "INTMTLY": "Intermittently",
 683    "INTR": "Interior",
 684    "INTRMTRGN": "Intermountain region",
 685    "INTS": "Intense",
 686    "INTSFCN": "Intensification",
 687    "INTSFY": "Intensify",
 688    "INTSFYD": "Intensified",
 689    "INTSFYG": "Intensifying",
 690    "INTSFYS": "Intensifies",
 691    "INTSTY": "Intensity",
 692    "INTVL": "Interval",
 693    "INVOF": "In vicinity of",
 694    "INVRN": "Inversion",
 695    "IOVC": "In overcast",
 696    "IP": "Ice pellets",
 697    "IPV": "Improve",
 698    "IPVG": "Improving",
 699    "IR": "Infrared",
 700    "ISOL": "Isolate",
 701    "ISOLD": "Isolated",
 702    "JCTN": "Junction",
 703    "JTSTR": "Jet stream",
 704    "KFRST": "Killing frost",
 705    "KLYR": "Smoke layer aloft",
 706    "KMH": "Kilometers per hour",
 707    "KOCTY": "Smoke over city",
 708    "KT": "Knots",
 709    "L": "Left",
 710    "LAMP": "Local AWIPS MOS Program",
 711    "LAPS": "Local Analysis and Prediction System",
 712    "LAST": "Last observation before a break in coverage at a manual station",
 713    "LAT": "Latitude",
 714    "LAWRS": "Limited aviation weather reporting station",
 715    "LCL": "Local or Lifted condensation level",
 716    "LCLY": "Locally",
 717    "LCTD": "Located",
 718    "LCTMP": "Little change in temperature",
 719    "LCTN": "Location",
 720    "LDG": "Landing",
 721    "LEVEL": "Level",
 722    "LFM": "Limited fine mesh model",
 723    "LFTG": "Lifting",
 724    "LGRNG": "Long-range",
 725    "LGT": "Light",
 726    "LGTR": "Lighter",
 727    "LGWV": "Long wave",
 728    "LI": "Lifted Index",
 729    "LIFR": "Low instrument flight rules",
 730    "LIS": "Lifted Indices",
 731    "LK": "Lake",
 732    "LKLY": "Likely",
 733    "LKS": "Lakes",
 734    "LLJ": "Low level jet",
 735    "LLWAS": "Low-level wind shear alert system",
 736    "LLWS": "Low-level wind shear",
 737    "LMTD": "Limited",
 738    "LMTG": "Limiting",
 739    "LMTS": "Limits",
 740    "LN": "Line",
 741    "LNS": "LInes",
 742    "LO": "Low",
 743    "LONG": "Longitude",
 744    "LONGL": "Longitudinal",
 745    "LRG": "Large",
 746    "LRGLY": "Largely",
 747    "LRGR": "Larger",
 748    "LRGST": "Largest",
 749    "LST": "Local standard time",
 750    "LTD": "Limited",
 751    "LTG": "Lightning",
 752    "LTGCA": "Lightning cloud-to-air",
 753    "LTGCC": "Lightning cloud-to-cloud",
 754    "LTGCCCG": "Lightning cloud-to-cloud",
 755    "LTGCG": "Lightning cloud-to-ground",
 756    "LTGCW": "Lightning cloud-to-water",
 757    "LTGIC": "Lightning in cloud",
 758    "LTL": "Little",
 759    "LTLCG": "Little change",
 760    "LTR": "Later",
 761    "LTST": "Latest",
 762    "LV": "Leaving",
 763    "LVL": "Level",
 764    "LVLS": "Levels",
 765    "LWR": "Lower",
 766    "LWRD": "Lowered",
 767    "LWRG": "Lowering",
 768    "LYR": "Layer",
 769    "LYRD": "Layered",
 770    "LYRS": "Layers",
 771    "M": "Minus or Less than lowest sensor value",
 772    "MAX": "Maximum",
 773    "MB": "Millibars",
 774    "MCD": "Mesoscale discussion",
 775    "MDFY": "Modify",
 776    "MDFYD": "Modified",
 777    "MDFYG": "Modifying",
 778    "MDL": "Model",
 779    "MDLS": "Models",
 780    "MDT": "Moderate",
 781    "MDTLY": "Moderately",
 782    "MED": "Medium",
 783    "MEGG": "Merging",
 784    "MESO": "Mesoscale",
 785    "MET": "Meteorological",
 786    "METAR": "Aviation Routine Weather Report",
 787    "METRO": "Metropolitan",
 788    "MI": "Mile",
 789    "MID": "Middle",
 790    "MIDN": "Midnight",
 791    "MIFG": "Shallow fog",
 792    "MIL": "Military",
 793    "MIN": "Minimum",
 794    "MISG": "Missing",
 795    "MLTLVL": "Melting level",
 796    "MNLD": "Mainland",
 797    "MNLY": "Mainly",
 798    "MOD": "Moderate",
 799    "MOGR": "Moderate or greater",
 800    "MOS": "Model Output Statistics",
 801    "MOV": "Move",
 802    "MOVD": "Moved",
 803    "MOVG": "Moving",
 804    "MOVMT": "Movement",
 805    "MOVS": "Moves",
 806    "MPH": "Miles per hour",
 807    "MPS": "Meters per second",
 808    "MRGL": "Marginal",
 809    "MRGLLY": "Marginally",
 810    "MRNG": "Morning",
 811    "MRTM": "Maritime",
 812    "MSG": "Message",
 813    "MSL": "Mean sea level",
 814    "MST": "Most",
 815    "MSTLY": "Mostly",
 816    "MSTR": "Moisture",
 817    "MT": "Mountain",
 818    "MTN": "Mountain",
 819    "MTNS": "Mountains",
 820    "MTW": "Mountain wave",
 821    "MULT": "Multiple",
 822    "MULTILVL": "Multilevel",
 823    "MVFR": "Marginal visual flight rules",
 824    "MWO": "Meteorological Watch Office",
 825    "MX": "Mixed snow and ice",
 826    "MXD": "Mixed",
 827    "N": "North",
 828    "N/A": "Not applicable",
 829    "NAB": "Not above",
 830    "NAT": "North Atlantic",
 831    "NATL": "National",
 832    "NAV": "Navigation",
 833    "NAVAID": "Electronic navigation aid facility",
 834    "NBND": "Northbound",
 835    "NBRHD": "Neighborhood",
 836    "NC": "No change",
 837    "NCDC": "National Climatic Data Center",
 838    "NCEP": "National Center of Environmental Prediction",
 839    "NCO": "NCEP Central Operations",
 840    "NCWX": "No change in weather",
 841    "NE": "Northeast",
 842    "NEC": "Necessary",
 843    "NEG": "Negative",
 844    "NEGLY": "Negatively",
 845    "NELY": "Northeasterly",
 846    "NERN": "Northeastern",
 847    "NEWD": "Northeastward",
 848    "NGM": "Nested grid model",
 849    "NGT": "Night",
 850    "NHC": "National Hurricane Center",
 851    "NIL": "None",
 852    "NL": "No layers",
 853    "NLT": "Not later than",
 854    "NLY": "Northerly",
 855    "NM": "Nautical miles",
 856    "NMBR": "Number",
 857    "NMBRS": "Numbers",
 858    "NMC": "National Meteorological Center",
 859    "NML": "Normal",
 860    "NMRS": "Numerous",
 861    "NNE": "North-northeast",
 862    "NNELY": "North-northeasterly",
 863    "NNERN": "North-northeastern",
 864    "NNEWD": "North-northeastward",
 865    "NNNN": "End of message",
 866    "NNW": "North-northwest",
 867    "NNWLY": "North-northwesterly",
 868    "NNWRN": "North-northwestern",
 869    "NNWWD": "North-northwestward",
 870    "NOAA": "National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration",
 871    "NOPAC": "Northern Pacific",
 872    "NOS": "National Ocean Service",
 873    "NOSPECI": "No SPECI reports are taken at station",
 874    "NPRS": "Nonpersistent",
 875    "NR": "Near",
 876    "NRLY": "Nearly",
 877    "NRN": "Northern",
 878    "NRW": "Narrow",
 879    "NSC": "No significant cloud",
 880    "NSW": "No significant weather",
 881    "NTFY": "Notify",
 882    "NTFYD": "Notified",
 883    "NVA": "Negative vorticity advection",
 884    "NW": "Northwest",
 885    "NWD": "Northward",
 886    "NWLY": "Northwesterly",
 887    "NWRN": "Northwestern",
 888    "NWS": "National Weather Service",
 889    "NXT": "Next",
 890    "OAT": "Outside air temperature",
 891    "OBND": "Outbound",
 892    "OBS": "Observation",
 893    "OBSC": "Obscure",
 894    "OBSCD": "Obscured",
 895    "OBSCG": "Obscuring",
 896    "OCFNT": "Occluded front",
 897    "OCLD": "Occlude",
 898    "OCLDD": "Occluded",
 899    "OCLDG": "Occluding",
 900    "OCLDS": "Occludes",
 901    "OCLN": "Occlusion",
 902    "OCNL": "Occasional",
 903    "OCNLY": "Occasionally",
 904    "OCR": "Occur",
 905    "OCRD": "Occurred",
 906    "OCRG": "Occurring",
 907    "OCRS": "Occurs",
 908    "OFC": "Office",
 909    "OFCM": "Office of the Federal Coordinator for Meteorology",
 910    "OFP": "Occluded frontal passage",
 911    "OFSHR": "Offshore",
 912    "OHD": "Overhead",
 913    "OMTNS": "Over mountains",
 914    "ONSHR": "On shore",
 915    "ORGPHC": "Orographic",
 916    "ORIG": "Original",
 917    "OSV": "Ocean station vessel",
 918    "OTLK": "Outlook",
 919    "OTP": "On top",
 920    "OTR": "Other",
 921    "OTRW": "Otherwise",
 922    "OUTFLO": "Outflow",
 923    "OV": "Over",
 924    "OVC": "Overcast",
 925    "OVHD": "Overhead",
 926    "OVNGT": "Overnight",
 927    "OVR": "Over",
 928    "OVRN": "Overrun",
 929    "OVRNG": "Overrunning",
 930    "OVTK": "Overtake",
 931    "OVTKG": "Overtaking",
 932    "OVTKS": "Overtakes",
 933    "P": "Higher than greatest sensor value",
 934    "P6SM": "Visibility forecast to be greater than 6 statute miles",
 935    "PAC": "Pacific",
 936    "PATWAS": "Pilot's automatic telephone weather answering service",
 937    "PBL": "Planetary boundary layer",
 938    "PCPN": "Precipitation",
 939    "PD": "Period",
 940    "PDMT": "Predominant",
 941    "PDS": "Periods",
 942    "PE": "Ice pellets",
 943    "PEN": "Peninsula",
 944    "PERM": "Permanent",
 945    "PHYS": "Physical",
 946    "PIBAL": "Pilot balloon observation",
 947    "PIREP": "Pilot weather report",
 948    "PK WND": "Peak wind",
 949    "PL": "Ice pellets",
 950    "PLNS": "Plains",
 951    "PLS": "Please",
 952    "PLTO": "Plateau",
 953    "PM": "Postmeridian",
 954    "PNHDL": "Panhandle",
 955    "PNO": "Precipitation amount not available",
 956    "PO": "Dust or sand swirls",
 957    "POS": "Positive",
 958    "POSLY": "Positively",
 959    "PPINA": "Radar weather report not available",
 960    "PPINE": "Radar weather report no echoes observed",
 961    "PPSN": "Present position",
 962    "PR": "Partial",
 963    "PRBL": "Probable",
 964    "PRBLTY": "Probability",
 965    "PRBLY": "Probably",
 966    "PRECD": "Precede",
 967    "PRECDD": "Preceded",
 968    "PRECDG": "Preceding",
 969    "PRECDS": "Precedes",
 970    "PRES": "Pressure",
 971    "PRESFR": "Pressure falling rapidly",
 972    "PRESRR": "Pressure rising rapidly",
 973    "PRFG": "Partial fog",
 974    "PRIM": "Primary",
 975    "PRIN": "Principal",
 976    "PRIND": "Present indications are",
 977    "PRJMP": "Pressure jump",
 978    "PROB": "Probability",
 979    "PROBC C": "Forecaster's assessment of the probability of occurrence of a thunderstorm or precipitation event, along with associated weather elements (wind, visibility, and/or sky condition) whose occurrences are directly related to, and contemporaneous with, the thunderstorm or precipitation event",
 980    "PROC": "Procedure",
 981    "PROD": "Produce",
 982    "PRODG": "Producing",
 983    "PROG": "Forecast",
 984    "PROGD": "Forecasted",
 985    "PROGS": "Forecasts",
 986    "PRSNT": "Present",
 987    "PRSNTLY": "Presently",
 988    "PRST": "Persist",
 989    "PRSTNC": "Persistence",
 990    "PRSTNT": "Persistent",
 991    "PRSTS": "Persists",
 992    "PRVD": "Provide",
 993    "PRVDD": "Provided",
 994    "PRVDG": "Providing",
 995    "PRVDS": "Provides",
 996    "PS": "Plus",
 997    "PSBL": "Possible",
 998    "PSBLTY": "Possibility",
 999    "PSBLY": "Possibly",
1000    "PSG": "Passage",
1001    "PSN": "Position",
1002    "PSND": "Positioned",
1003    "PTCHY": "Patchy",
1004    "PTLY": "Partly",
1005    "PTNL": "Potential",
1006    "PTNLY": "Potentially",
1007    "PTNS": "Portions",
1008    "PVA": "Positive vorticity advection",
1009    "PVL": "Prevail",
1010    "PVLD": "Prevailed",
1011    "PVLG": "Prevailing",
1012    "PVLS": "Prevails",
1013    "PVLT": "Prevalent",
1014    "PWB": "Pilot weather briefing",
1015    "PWINO": "Precipitation identifier sensor not available",
1016    "PWR": "Power",
1017    "PY": "Spray",
1018    "QN": "Question",
1019    "QPFERD": "NCEP excessive rainfall discussion",
1020    "QPFHSD": "NCEP heavy snow discussion",
1021    "QPFSPD": "NCEP special precipitation discussion",
1022    "QSTNRY": "Quasistationary",
1023    "QTR": "Quarter",
1024    "QUAD": "Quadrant",
1025    "R": "Right",
1026    "RA": "Rain",
1027    "RADAT": "Radiosonde additional data",
1028    "RAOB": "Radiosonde observation",
1029    "RCA": "Reach Cruising Altitude",
1030    "RCH": "Reach",
1031    "RCHD": "Reached",
1032    "RCHG": "Reaching",
1033    "RCHS": "Reaches",
1034    "RCKY": "Rocky",
1035    "RCMD": "Recommend",
1036    "RCMDD": "Recommended",
1037    "RCMDG": "Recommending",
1038    "RCMDS": "Recommends",
1039    "RCRD": "Record",
1040    "RCRDS": "Records",
1041    "RCV": "Receive",
1042    "RCVD": "Received",
1043    "RCVG": "Receiving",
1044    "RCVS": "Receives",
1045    "RDC": "Reduce",
1046    "RDGG": "Ridging",
1047    "RDOACT": "Radioactive",
1048    "RDR": "Radar",
1049    "RDVLP": "Redevelop",
1050    "RDVLPG": "Redeveloping",
1051    "RDVLPMT": "Redevelopment",
1052    "RE": "Regard",
1053    "RECON": "Reconnaissance",
1054    "REF": "Reference",
1055    "REPL": "Replace",
1056    "REPLD": "Replaced",
1057    "REPLG": "Replacing",
1058    "REPLS": "Replaces",
1059    "REQ": "Request",
1060    "REQS": "Requests",
1061    "REQSTD": "Requested",
1062    "RES": "Reserve",
1063    "RESP": "Response",
1064    "RESTR": "Restrict",
1065    "RGD": "Ragged",
1066    "RGL": "Regional model",
1067    "RGLR": "Regular",
1068    "RGN": "Region",
1069    "RGNS": "Regions",
1070    "RGT": "Right",
1071    "RH": "Relative humidity",
1072    "RHINO": "RHI not operative",
1073    "RIME": "Type of icing characterized by a rough, milky, opaque appearance",
1074    "RLBL": "Reliable",
1075    "RLTV": "Relative",
1076    "RLTVLY": "Relatively",
1077    "RM": "Remarks",
1078    "RMK": "Remark",
1079    "RMN": "Remain",
1080    "RMND": "Remained",
1081    "RMNDR": "Remainder",
1082    "RMNG": "Remaining",
1083    "RMNS": "Remains",
1084    "RNFL": "Rainfall",
1085    "RNG": "Range",
1086    "ROT": "Rotate",
1087    "ROTD": "Rotated",
1088    "ROTG": "Rotating",
1089    "ROTS": "Rotates",
1090    "RPD": "Rapid",
1091    "RPDLY": "Rapidly",
1092    "RPLC": "Replace",
1093    "RPLCD": "Replaced",
1094    "RPLCG": "Replacing",
1095    "RPLCS": "Replaces",
1096    "RPRT": "Report",
1097    "RPRTD": "Reported",
1098    "RPRTG": "Reporting",
1099    "RPRTS": "Reports",
1100    "RPT": "Repeat",
1101    "RPTG": "Repeating",
1102    "RPTS": "Repeats",
1103    "RQR": "Require",
1104    "RQRD": "Required",
1105    "RQRG": "Requiring",
1106    "RQRS": "Requires",
1107    "RS": "Receiver station",
1108    "RSG": "Rising",
1109    "RSN": "Reason",
1110    "RSNG": "Reasoning",
1111    "RSNS": "Reasons",
1112    "RSTR": "Restrict",
1113    "RSTRD": "Restricted",
1114    "RSTRG": "Restricting",
1115    "RSTRS": "Restricts",
1116    "RTRN": "Return",
1117    "RTRND": "Returned",
1118    "RTRNG": "Returning",
1119    "RTRNS": "Returns",
1120    "RUC": "Rapid Update Cycle",
1121    "RUF": "Rough",
1122    "RUFLY": "Roughly",
1123    "RVR": "Runway Visual Range",
1124    "RVRNO": "RVR system not available",
1125    "RVS": "Revise",
1126    "RVSD": "Revised",
1127    "RVSG": "Revising",
1128    "RVSS": "Revises",
1129    "RW": "Rain shower",
1130    "RWY": "Runway",
1131    "RY": "Runway",
1132    "S": "South",
1133    "SA": "Sand",
1134    "SAB": "Satellite Analysis Branch",
1135    "SAO": "Surface observation",
1136    "SATFY": "Satisfactory",
1137    "SBND": "Southbound",
1138    "SBSD": "Subside",
1139    "SBSDD": "Subsided",
1140    "SBSDNC": "Subsidence",
1141    "SBSDS": "Subsides",
1142    "SC": "Stratocumulus",
1143    "SCND": "Second",
1144    "SCNDRY": "Secondary",
1145    "SCSL": "Stratocumulus standing lenticular",
1146    "SCT": "Scattered",
1147    "SCTD": "Scattered",
1148    "SCTR": "Sector",
1149    "SE": "Southeast",
1150    "SEC": "Second",
1151    "SELY": "Southeasterly",
1152    "SEPN": "Separation",
1153    "SEQ": "Sequence",
1154    "SERN": "Southeastern",
1155    "SEV": "Severe",
1156    "SEWD": "Southeastward",
1157    "SFC": "Surface",
1158    "SFERICS": "Atmospherics",
1159    "SG": "Snow grains",
1160    "SGFNT": "Significant",
1161    "SGFNTLY": "Significantly",
1162    "SH": "Showers",
1163    "SHFT": "Shift",
1164    "SHFTD": "Shifted",
1165    "SHFTG": "Shifting",
1166    "SHFTS": "Shifts",
1167    "SHLD": "Shield",
1168    "SHLW": "Shallow",
1169    "SHRT": "Short",
1170    "SHRTLY": "Shortly",
1171    "SHRTWV": "Shortwave",
1172    "SHUD": "Should",
1173    "SHWR": "Shower",
1174    "SIG": "Signature",
1175    "SIGMET": "Significant meteorological information",
1176    "SIMUL": "Simultaneous",
1177    "SK": "Sky cover",
1178    "SKC": "Sky clear",
1179    "SKED": "Schedule",
1180    "SLD": "Solid",
1181    "SLGT": "Slight",
1182    "SLGTLY": "Slightly",
1183    "SLO": "Slow",
1184    "SLOLY": "Slowly",
1185    "SLOR": "Slower",
1186    "SLP": "Sea level pressure",
1187    "SLPG": "Sloping",
1188    "SLPNO": "Sea-level pressure not available",
1189    "SLT": "Sleet",
1190    "SLW": "Slow",
1191    "SLY": "Southerly",
1192    "SM": "Statute mile",
1193    "SMK": "Smoke",
1194    "SML": "Small",
1195    "SMLR": "Smaller",
1196    "SMRY": "Summary",
1197    "SMS": "Sunchronous meteorological satellite",
1198    "SMTH": "Smooth",
1199    "SMTHR": "Smoother",
1200    "SMTHST": "Smoothest",
1201    "SMTM": "Sometime",
1202    "SMWHT": "Somewhat",
1203    "SN": "Snow",
1204    "SNBNK": "Snowbank",
1205    "SND": "Sand",
1206    "SNFLK": "Snowflake",
1207    "SNGL": "Single",
1208    "SNOINCR": "Snow increase",
1209    "SNOINCRG": "Snow increasing",
1210    "SNST": "Sunset",
1211    "SNW": "Snow",
1212    "SNWFL": "Snowfall",
1213    "SOP": "Standard operating procedure",
1214    "SP": "Snow pellets",
1215    "SPC": "Storm Prediction Center",
1216    "SPCLY": "Especially",
1217    "SPD": "Speed",
1218    "SPECI": "Special observation",
1219    "SPENES": "Satellite precip. estimate statement",
1220    "SPKL": "Sprinkle",
1221    "SPRD": "Spread",
1222    "SPRDG": "Spreading",
1223    "SPRDS": "Spreads",
1224    "SPRL": "Spiral",
1225    "SQ": "Squall",
1226    "SQAL": "Squall",
1227    "SQL": "Squall line",
1228    "SQLN": "Squall line",
1229    "SR": "Sunrise",
1230    "SRN": "Southern",
1231    "SRND": "Surround",
1232    "SRNDD": "Surrounded",
1233    "SRNDG": "Surrounding",
1234    "SRNDS": "Surrounds",
1235    "SS": "Sunset",
1236    "SSE": "South-southeast",
1237    "SSELY": "South-southeasterly",
1238    "SSERN": "South-southeastern",
1239    "SSEWD": "South-southeastward",
1240    "SSW": "South-southwest",
1241    "SSWLY": "South-southwesterly",
1242    "SSWRN": "South-southwestern",
1243    "SSWWD": "South-southwestward",
1244    "ST": "Stratus",
1245    "STAGN": "Stagnation",
1246    "STBL": "Stable",
1247    "STBLTY": "Stability",
1248    "STD": "Standard",
1249    "STDY": "Steady",
1250    "STFR": "Stratus fractus",
1251    "STFRM": "Stratiform",
1252    "STG": "Strong",
1253    "STGLY": "Strongly",
1254    "STGR": "Stronger",
1255    "STGST": "Strongest",
1256    "STLT": "Satellite",
1257    "STM": "Storm",
1258    "STMS": "Storms",
1259    "STN": "Station",
1260    "STNR": "Stationary",
1261    "STNRY": "Stationary",
1262    "SUB": "Substitute",
1263    "SUBTRPCL": "Subtropical",
1264    "SUF": "Sufficient",
1265    "SUFLY": "Sufficiently",
1266    "SUG": "Suggest",
1267    "SUGG": "Suggesting",
1268    "SUGS": "Suggests",
1269    "SUP": "Supply",
1270    "SUPG": "Supplying",
1271    "SUPR": "Superior",
1272    "SUPSD": "Supersede",
1273    "SUPSDG": "Superseding",
1274    "SUPSDS": "Supersedes",
1275    "SVG": "Serving",
1276    "SVR": "Severe",
1277    "SVRL": "Several",
1278    "SW": "Southwest",
1279    "SW+": "Heavy snow shower",
1280    "SW-": "Light snow shower",
1281    "SWD": "Southward",
1282    "SWLG": "Swelling",
1283    "SWLY": "Southwesterly",
1284    "SWODY1": "SPC Severe Weather Outlook for Day 1",
1285    "SWOMCD": "SPC Mesoscale discussion",
1286    "SWRN": "Southwestern",
1287    "SWWD": "Southwestward",
1288    "SX": "Stability index",
1289    "SXN": "Section",
1290    "SYNOP": "Synoptic",
1291    "SYNS": "Synopsis",
1292    "SYS": "System",
1293    "T": "Thunder",
1294    "TA": "Temperature",
1295    "TACAN": "UHF Tactical Air Navigation Aid",
1296    "TAF": "Terminal Area Forecast",
1297    "TB": "Turbulence",
1298    "TC": "Tropical cyclone",
1299    "TCNTL": "Transcontinental",
1300    "TCU": "Towering cumulus",
1301    "TDA": "Today",
1302    "TEI": "Text element indicator",
1303    "TEMP": "Temperature",
1304    "TEMPO": "Temporary",
1305    "THD": "Thunderhead",
1306    "THDR": "Thunder",
1307    "THK": "Thick",
1308    "THKNG": "Thickening",
1309    "THKNS": "Thickness",
1310    "THKR": "Thicker",
1311    "THKST": "Thickest",
1312    "THN": "Thin",
1313    "THNG": "Thinning",
1314    "THNR": "Thinner",
1315    "THNST": "Thinnest",
1316    "THR": "Threshold",
1317    "THRFTR": "Thereafter",
1318    "THRU": "Through",
1319    "THRUT": "Throughout",
1320    "THSD": "Thousand",
1321    "THTN": "Threaten",
1322    "THTND": "Threatened",
1323    "THTNG": "Threatening",
1324    "THTNS": "Threatens",
1325    "TIL": "Until",
1326    "TKOF": "Takeoff",
1327    "TM": "Time",
1328    "TMPRY": "Temporary",
1329    "TMPRYLY": "Temporarily",
1330    "TMW": "Tomorrow",
1331    "TNDCY": "Tendency",
1332    "TNDCYS": "Tendencies",
1333    "TNGT": "Tonight",
1334    "TNTV": "Tentative",
1335    "TNTVLY": "Tentatively",
1336    "TOC": "Top of Climb",
1337    "TOP": "Top of Clouds",
1338    "TOPS": "Tops",
1339    "TOVC": "Top of overcast",
1340    "TP": "Type of aircraft",
1341    "TPG": "Topping",
1342    "TRBL": "Trouble",
1343    "TRIB": "Tributary",
1344    "TRKG": "Tracking",
1345    "TRML": "Terminal",
1346    "TRMT": "Terminate",
1347    "TRMTD": "Terminated",
1348    "TRMTG": "Terminating",
1349    "TRMTS": "Terminates",
1350    "TRNSP": "Transport",
1351    "TRNSPG": "Transporting",
1352    "TROF": "Trough",
1353    "TROFS": "Troughs",
1354    "TROP": "Tropopause",
1355    "TRPCD": "Tropical continental air mass",
1356    "TRPCL": "Tropical",
1357    "TRRN": "Terrain",
1358    "TRSN": "Transition",
1359    "TRW": "Thunderstorm",
1360    "TRW+": "Thunderstorm with heavy rain shower",
1361    "TS": "Thunderstorm",
1362    "TS+": "Thunderstorm with heavy snow",
1363    "TSFR": "Transfer",
1364    "TSFRD": "Transferred",
1365    "TSFRG": "Transferring",
1366    "TSFRS": "Transfers",
1367    "TSGR": "Thunderstorm with hail",
1368    "TSHWR": "Thundershower",
1369    "TSNO": "Thunderstorm information not available",
1370    "TSNT": "Transient",
1371    "TSQLS": "Thundersquall",
1372    "TSTM": "Thunderstorm",
1373    "TSW": "Thunderstorm with snow showers",
1374    "TSW+": "Thunderstorm with heavy snow showers",
1375    "TURB": "Turbulence",
1376    "TURBC": "Turbulence",
1377    "TURBT": "Turbulent",
1378    "TWD": "Toward",
1379    "TWDS": "Towards",
1380    "TWI": "Twilight",
1381    "TWR": "Tower",
1382    "TWRG": "Towering",
1383    "UA": "Pilot weather reports",
1384    "UDDF": "Up and downdrafts",
1385    "UIR": "Upper flight information region",
1386    "UN": "Unable",
1387    "UNAVBL": "Unavailable",
1388    "UNEC": "Unnecessary",
1389    "UNKN": "Unknown",
1390    "UNL": "Unlimited",
1391    "UNRELBL": "Unreliable",
1392    "UNRSTD": "Unrestricted",
1393    "UNSATFY": "Unsatisfactory",
1394    "UNSBL": "Unseasonable",
1395    "UNSTBL": "Unstable",
1396    "UNSTDY": "Unsteady",
1397    "UNSTL": "Unsettle",
1398    "UNSTLD": "Unsettled",
1399    "UNUSBL": "Unusable",
1400    "UP": "Unknown precipitation",
1401    "UPDFTS": "Updrafts",
1402    "UPR": "Upper",
1403    "UPSLP": "Upslope",
1404    "UPSTRM": "Upstream",
1405    "URG": "Urgent",
1406    "USBL": "Usable",
1407    "UTC": "Universal Time Coordinate",
1408    "UUA": "Urgent PIREP Weather Reports",
1409    "UVV": "Upward vertical velocity",
1410    "UWNDS": "Upper winds Varies",
1411    "V": "Varies",
1412    "VA": "Volcanic Ash",
1413    "VAAC": "Volcanic Ash Advisory Center",
1414    "VAAS": "Volcanic Ash Advisory Statement",
1415    "VAD": "Velocity azimuth display",
1416    "VAL": "Valley",
1417    "VARN": "Variation",
1418    "VC": "Vicinity",
1419    "VCNTY": "Vicinity",
1420    "VCOT": "VFR conditions on top",
1421    "VCTR": "Vector",
1422    "VCTS": "Thunderstorms in the vicinity",
1423    "VDUC": "VAS Data Utilization Center",
1424    "VFR": "Visual flight rules",
1425    "VFY": "Verify",
1426    "VFYD": "Verified",
1427    "VFYG": "Verifying",
1428    "VFYS": "Verifies",
1429    "VHF": "Very High Frequency",
1430    "VIS": "Visibility",
1431    "VLCTY": "Velocity",
1432    "VLCTYS": "Velocities",
1433    "VLNT": "Violent",
1434    "VLNTLY": "Violently",
1435    "VLY": "Valley",
1436    "VMC": "Visual meteorological conditions",
1437    "VOL": "Volume",
1438    "VOR": "VHF Omnidirectional Radio Range",
1439    "VORT": "Vorticity",
1440    "VORTAC": "VOR and TACAN combination",
1441    "VR": "Veer",
1442    "VRB": "Variable",
1443    "VRBL": "Variable",
1444    "VRG": "Veering",
1445    "VRS": "Veers",
1446    "VRT MOTN": "Vertical motion",
1447    "VRY": "Very",
1448    "VSB": "Visible",
1449    "VSBY": "Visibility",
1450    "VSBYDR": "Visibility decreasing rapidly",
1451    "VSBYIR": "Visibility increasing rapidly",
1452    "VSNO": "Visibility at secondary location not available",
1453    "VV": "Vertical visibility",
1454    "VWP": "VAD Wind profiler",
1455    "W": "West",
1456    "WAA": "Warm air advection",
1457    "WAFS": "Word Area Forecast System",
1458    "WBND": "Westbound",
1459    "WDLY": "Widely",
1460    "WDSPRD": "Widespread",
1461    "WEA": "Weather",
1462    "WFO": "Weather Forecast Office",
1463    "WFP": "Warm front passage",
1464    "WFSO": "Weather Forecast Service Office",
1465    "WI": "Within",
1466    "WIBIS": "Will be issued",
1467    "WID": "Width",
1468    "WINT": "Winter",
1469    "WK": "Weak",
1470    "WKDAY": "Weekday",
1471    "WKEND": "Weekend",
1472    "WKN": "Weaken",
1473    "WKNG": "Weakening",
1474    "WKNS": "Weakens",
1475    "WKR": "Weaker",
1476    "WKST": "Weakest",
1477    "WL": "Will",
1478    "WLY": "Westerly",
1479    "WMO": "World Meteorological Organization",
1480    "WND": "Wind",
1481    "WNDS": "Winds",
1482    "WNW": "West-northwest",
1483    "WNWLY": "West-northwesterly",
1484    "WNWRN": "West-northwestern",
1485    "WNWWD": "West-northwestward",
1486    "WO": "Without",
1487    "WRM": "Warm",
1488    "WRMFNT": "Warm front",
1489    "WRMFNTL": "Warm frontal",
1490    "WRMG": "Warming",
1491    "WRMR": "Warmer",
1492    "WRMST": "Warmest",
1493    "WRN": "Western",
1494    "WRNG": "Warning",
1495    "WRS": "Worse",
1496    "WS": "Wind shear",
1497    "WSFO": "Weather Service Forecast Office",
1498    "WSHFT": "Windshift",
1499    "WSO": "Weather service office",
1500    "WSPD": "Wind speed",
1501    "WSR-88D": "NWS Doppler Radar",
1502    "WSW": "West-southwest",
1503    "WSWLY": "West-southwesterly",
1504    "WSWRN": "West-southwestern",
1505    "WSWWD": "West-southwestward",
1506    "WTR": "Water",
1507    "WTSPT": "Waterspout",
1508    "WUD": "Would",
1509    "WV": "Wind",
1510    "WVS": "Waves",
1511    "WW": "Severe weather watch",
1512    "WWAMKC": "SPC status report",
1513    "WWD": "Westward",
1514    "WWS": "Severe weather watches",
1515    "WX": "Weather",
1516    "XCP": "Except",
1517    "XPC": "Expect",
1518    "XPCD": "Expected",
1519    "XPCG": "Expecting",
1520    "XPCS": "Expects",
1521    "XPLOS": "Explosive",
1522    "XTND": "Extend",
1523    "XTNDD": "Extended",
1524    "XTNDG": "Extending",
1525    "XTRM": "Extreme",
1526    "XTRMLY": "Extremely",
1527    "YDA": "Yesterday",
1528    "Z": "Zulu time",
1529    "ZL": "Freezing drizzle",
1530    "ZN": "Zone",
1531    "ZNS": "Zones",
1532    "ZR": "Freezing rain",
1534"""Glossary of abreviations found in reports. These should be treated as
1535default values. OTher elements may overwrite in specific instances.
METAR = {'BR': 'Mist', 'SS': 'Sandstorm'}

Glossary conflicts used only in METARs.

NA_REGIONAL = {'AK': 'Alaska', 'AL': 'Alabama', 'ADRNDCK': 'Adirondack', 'ALGHNY': 'Allegheny', 'ALTA': 'Alberta', 'ALUTN': 'Aleutian', 'APLCN': 'Appalachian', 'APLCNS': 'Appalachians', 'AR': 'Arkansas', 'AZ': 'Arizona', 'BAJA': 'Baja, California', 'BC': 'British Columbia', 'BDA': 'Bermuda', 'BLKHLS': 'Black Hills', 'BOOTHEEL': 'Bootheel', 'BRKSHR': 'Berkshire', 'BRKSHRS': 'Berkshires', 'CA': 'California', 'CARIB': 'Caribbean', 'CASCDS': 'Cascades', 'CHSPK': 'Chesapeake', 'CNDN': 'Canadian', 'CO': 'Colorado', 'CONUS': 'Continental U.S.', 'DC': 'District of Columbia', 'DE': 'Delaware', 'DELMARVA': 'Delaware-Maryland-Virginia', 'DKTS': 'Dakotas', 'FL': 'Florida', 'GA': 'Georgia', 'GRTLKS': 'Great Lakes', 'HDSVLY': 'Hudson Valley', 'IA': 'Iowa', 'ID': 'Idaho', 'IL': 'Illinois', 'KS': 'Kansas', 'KY': 'Kentucky', 'LA': 'Louisiana', 'LABRDR': 'Labrador', 'MA': 'Massachusetts', 'MAN': 'Manitoba', 'MD': 'Maryland', 'ME': 'Maine', 'MEX': 'Mexico', 'MHKVLY': 'Mohawk Valley', 'MI': 'Michigan', 'MN': 'Minnesota', 'MO': 'Missouri', 'MS': 'Mississippi', 'MT': 'Montana', 'NB': 'New Brunswick', 'NC': 'North Carolina', 'ND': 'North Dakota', 'NEB': 'Nebraska', 'NEW ENG': 'New England', 'NFLD': 'Newfoundland', 'NH': 'New Hampshire', 'NJ': 'New Jersey', 'NM': 'New Mexico', 'NS': 'Nova Scotia', 'NV': 'Nevada', 'NY': 'New York', 'OH': 'Ohio', 'OK': 'Oklahoma', 'OR': 'Oregon', 'PA': 'Pennsylvania', 'PGTSND': 'Puget Sound', 'PUGET': 'Puget Sound', 'QUE': 'Quebec', 'RCKYS': 'Rockies', 'RI': 'Rhode Island', 'RIOGD': 'Rio Grande', 'SASK': 'Saskatchewan', 'SC': 'South Carolina', 'SD': 'South Dakota', 'SIERNEV': 'Sierra Nevada', 'SPLNS': 'Southern Plains', 'TN': 'Tennessee', 'TX': 'Texas', 'UT': 'Utah', 'VA': 'Virginia', 'VRISL': 'Vancouver Island, BC', 'VT': 'Vermont', 'WA': 'Washington', 'WI': 'Wisconsin', 'WPLTO': 'Western Plateau', 'WSTCH': 'Wasatch Range', 'WV': 'West Virginia', 'WY': 'Wyoming', 'YKN': 'Yukon', 'YLSTN': 'Yellowstone'}

Glossary items and conflicts used for reports referencing locations in North America.

GLOBAL = {'ABNDT': 'Abundant', 'ABNML': 'Abnormal', 'ABT': 'About', 'ABV': 'Above', 'AC': 'Convective outlook or altocumulus', 'ACC': 'Altocumulus castellanus clouds', 'ACCAS': 'Altocumulus castellanus clouds', 'ACCUM': 'Accumulate', 'ACFT': 'Aircraft', 'ACFT MSHP': 'Aircraft Mishap', 'ACLT': 'Accelerate', 'ACLTD': 'Accelerated', 'ACLTG': 'Accelerating', 'ACLTS': 'Accelerates', 'ACPY': 'Accompany', 'ACRS': 'Across', 'ACSL': 'Altocumulus standing lenticular', 'ACTV': 'Active', 'ACTVTY': 'Activity', 'ACYC': 'Anticyclone', 'ADJ': 'Adjacent', 'ADL': 'Additional', 'ADQT': 'Adequate', 'ADQTLY': 'Adequately', 'ADVCT': 'Advect', 'ADVCTD': 'Advected', 'ADVCTG': 'Advecting', 'ADVCTN': 'Advection', 'ADVCTS': 'Advects', 'ADVN': 'Advance', 'ADVNG': 'Advancing', 'ADVY': 'Advisory', 'ADVYS': 'Advisories', 'AFCT': 'Affect', 'AFCTD': 'Affected', 'AFCTG': 'Affecting', 'AFDK': 'After dark', 'AFOS': 'Automated Field Operations System', 'AFSS': 'Automated Flight Service Station', 'AFT': 'After', 'AFTN': 'Afternoon', 'AGL': 'Above ground level', 'AGN': 'Again', 'AGRD Agreed': 'Agreed', 'AGRMT Agreement': 'Agreement', 'AGRS Agrees': 'Agrees', 'AHD Ahead': 'Ahead', 'AIRMET': "Airman's Meteorological Information", 'ALF': 'Aloft', 'ALG': 'Along', 'ALP': 'Airport Location Point', 'ALQDS': 'All quadrants', 'ALSTG': 'Altimeter setting', 'ALT': 'Altitude', 'ALTHO': 'Although', 'ALTM': 'Altimeter', 'AMD': 'Amend', 'AMDD': 'Amended', 'AMDG': 'Amending', 'AMDT': 'Amendment', 'AMP': 'Amplify', 'AMPG': 'Amplifying', 'AMPLTD': 'Amplitude', 'AMS': 'Air mass', 'AMT': 'Amount', 'ANLYS': 'Analysis', 'ANS': 'Answer', 'AO1': 'Automated Reporting Station', 'AO2': 'Automated Reporting Station', 'AOA': 'At or above', 'AOB': 'At or below', 'AP': 'Anomalous Propagation', 'APCH': 'Approach', 'APCHG': 'Approaching', 'APCHS': 'Approaches', 'APPR': 'Appear', 'APPRG': 'Appearing', 'APPRS': 'Appears', 'APRNT': 'Apparent', 'APRNTLY': 'Apparently', 'APRX': 'Approximate', 'APRXLY': 'Approximately', 'ARL': 'Air Resources Lab', 'ARND': 'Around', 'ARPT': 'Airport', 'ASAP': 'As soon as possible', 'ASL': 'Above Sea Level', 'ASMD': 'As Amended', 'ASOS': 'Automated Surface Observing System', 'ASSOCD': 'Associated', 'ASSOCN': 'Association', 'ATCT': 'Air Traffic Control Tower', 'ATLC': 'Atlantic', 'ATTM': 'At this time', 'ATTN': 'Attention', 'AUTO': 'Automated report', 'AVBL': 'Available', 'AVG': 'Average', 'AVN': 'Aviation model', 'AWC': 'Aviation Weather Center', 'AWIPS': 'Advanced Interactive Weather Processing System', 'AWOS': 'Automated Weather Observing system', 'AWT': 'Awaiting', 'AWW': 'Alert Weather Watch', 'AZM': 'Azimuth', 'B': 'Began', 'BACLIN': 'Baroclinic', 'BATROP': 'Barotropic', 'BC': 'Patches', 'BCFG': 'Patchy fog', 'BCH': 'Beach', 'BCKG': 'Backing', 'BCM': 'Become', 'BCMG': 'Becoming', 'BCMS': 'Becomes', 'BD': 'Blowing dust', 'BDRY': 'Boundary', 'BECMG': 'Becoming', 'BFDK': 'Before dark', 'BFR': 'Before', 'BGN': 'Begin', 'BGNG': 'Beginning', 'BGNS': 'Begins', 'BHND': 'Behind', 'BINOVC': 'Breaks in overcast', 'BKN': 'Broken', 'BL': 'Blowing', 'BLD': 'Build', 'BLDG': 'Building', 'BLDS': 'Builds', 'BLDUP': 'Buildup', 'BLKT': 'Blanket', 'BLKTG': 'Blanketing', 'BLKTS': 'Blankets', 'BLO': 'Below or below clouds', 'BLW': 'Below', 'BLZD': 'Blizzard', 'BN': 'Blowing sand', 'BND': 'Bound', 'BNDRY': 'Boundary', 'BNDRYS': 'Boundaries', 'BNTH': 'Beneath', 'BR': 'Branch', 'BRF': 'Brief', 'BRG': 'Branching', 'BRK': 'Break', 'BRKG': 'Breaking', 'BRKHIC': 'Breaks in higher clouds', 'BRKS': 'Breaks', 'BRM': 'Barometer', 'BRN': 'Bulk Richardson Number', 'BRS': 'Branches', 'BS': 'Blowing snow', 'BTWN': 'Between', 'BWER': 'Bounded weak echo region', 'BYD': 'Beyond', 'C': 'Celsius', 'CA': 'Cloud-to-air lightning', 'CAA': 'Cold air advection', 'CAPE': 'Convective available potential energy', 'CAS': 'Committee for Aviation Services', 'CAT': 'Clear air turbulence', 'CAVOK': 'Ceiling and visibility OK', 'CAVU': 'Ceiling and visibility unlimited', 'CB': 'Cumulonimbus', 'CBMAM': 'Cumulonimbus Mammatus clouds', 'CC': 'Cirrocumulus', 'CCL': 'Convective condensation level', 'CCLDS': 'Clear of clouds', 'CCLKWS': 'Counterclockwise', 'CCSL': 'Cirrocumulus standing lenticular', 'CDFNT': 'Cold front', 'CDFNTL': 'Cold frontal', 'CFP': 'Cold front passage', 'CG': 'Cloud-to-ground lightning', 'CHC': 'Chance', 'CHCS': 'Chances', 'CHG': 'Change', 'CHGD': 'Changed', 'CHGG': 'Changing', 'CHGS': 'Changes', 'CHI': 'Cloud-Height indicator', 'CHINO': 'Sky condition at secondary location not available', 'CHOP': 'Choppy turbulence', 'CI': 'Cirrus', 'CIG': 'Ceiling', 'CIGS': 'Ceilings', 'CIN': 'Convective inhibition', 'CLD': 'Cloud', 'CLDNS': 'Cloudiness', 'CLDS': 'Clouds', 'CLKWS': 'Clockwise', 'CLR': 'Clear', 'CLRG': 'Clearing', 'CLRS': 'Clears', 'CMPLX': 'Complex', 'CNCL': 'Cancel', 'CNCLD': 'Canceled', 'CNCLG': 'Canceling', 'CNCLS': 'Cancels', 'CNTR': 'Center', 'CNTRD': 'Centered', 'CNTRL': 'Central', 'CNTRLN': 'Centerline', 'CNTRS': 'Centers', 'CNTY': 'County', 'CNTYS': 'Counties', 'CNVG': 'Converge', 'CNVGG': 'Converging', 'CNVGNC': 'Convergence', 'CNVTN': 'Convection', 'CNVTV': 'Convective', 'CNVTVLY': 'Convectively', 'COMPAR': 'Compare', 'COMPARD': 'Compared', 'COMPARG': 'Comparing', 'COMPARS': 'Compares', 'COMPR': 'Compare', 'COMPRD': 'Compared', 'COMPRG': 'Comparing', 'COMPRS': 'Compares', 'COND': 'Condition', 'CONFDC': 'Confidence', 'CONS': 'Continuous', 'CONT': 'Continue', 'CONTD': 'Continued', 'CONTDVD': 'Continental Divide', 'CONTG': 'Continuing', 'CONTLY': 'Continually', 'CONTRAILS': 'Condensation trails', 'CONTS': 'Continues', 'COORD': 'Coordinate', 'COR': 'Correction', 'CPBL': 'Capable', 'CPC': 'Climate Prediction Center', 'CRC': 'Circle', 'CRCLC': 'Circulate', 'CRCLN': 'Circulation', 'CRLC': 'Circulate', 'CRLN': 'Circulation', 'CRNR': 'Corner', 'CRNRS': 'Corners', 'CRS': 'Course', 'CS': 'Cirrostratus', 'CSDR': 'Consider', 'CSDRBL': 'Considerable', 'CST': 'Coast', 'CSTL': 'Coastal', 'CT': 'Connecticut', 'CTA': 'Control area', 'CTC': 'Contact', 'CTGY': 'Category', 'CTSKLS': 'Catskills', 'CU': 'Cumulus', 'CUFRA': 'Cumulus fractus', 'CVR': 'Cover', 'CVRD': 'Covered', 'CVRG': 'Covering', 'CVRS': 'Covers', 'CWSU': 'Center Weather Service Units', 'CYC': 'Cyclonic', 'CYCLGN': 'Cyclogenesis', 'DABRK': 'Daybreak', 'DALGT': 'Daylight', 'DBL': 'Double', 'DCR': 'Decrease', 'DCRD': 'Decreased', 'DCRG': 'Decreasing', 'DCRGLY': 'Decreasingly', 'DCRS': 'Decreases', 'DEG': 'Degree', 'DEGS': 'Degrees', 'DFCLT': 'Difficult', 'DFCLTY': 'Difficulty', 'DFNT': 'Definite', 'DFNTLY': 'Definitely', 'DFRS': 'Differs', 'DFUS': 'Diffuse', 'DGNL': 'Diagonal', 'DGNLLY': 'Diagonally', 'DIGG': 'Digging', 'DIR': 'Direction', 'DISC': 'Discontinue', 'DISCD': 'Discontinued', 'DISCG': 'Discontinuing', 'DISRE': 'Disregard', 'DISRED': 'Disregarded', 'DISREG': 'Disregarding', 'DLA': 'Delay', 'DLAD': 'Delayed', 'DLT': 'Delete', 'DLTD': 'Deleted', 'DLTG': 'Deleting', 'DLY': 'Daily', 'DMG': 'Damage', 'DMGD': 'Damaged', 'DMGG': 'Damaging', 'DMNT': 'Dominant', 'DMSH': 'Diminish', 'DMSHD': 'Diminished', 'DMSHG': 'Diminishing', 'DMSHS': 'Diminishes', 'DNDFTS': 'Downdrafts', 'DNS': 'Dense', 'DNSLP': 'Downslope', 'DNSTRM': 'Downstream', 'DNWND': 'Downwind', 'DP': 'Deep', 'DPND': 'Deepened', 'DPNG': 'Deepening', 'DPNS': 'Deepens', 'DPR': 'Deeper', 'DPTH': 'Depth', 'DR': 'Low Drifting', 'DRDU': 'Drifting dust', 'DRFT': 'Drift', 'DRFTD': 'Drifted', 'DRFTG': 'Drifting', 'DRFTS': 'Drifts', 'DRSA': 'Low drifting sand', 'DRSN': 'Low drifting snow', 'DRZL': 'Drizzle', 'DS': 'Duststorm', 'DSCNT': 'Descent', 'DSIPT': 'Dissipate', 'DSIPTD': 'Dissipated', 'DSIPTG': 'Dissipating', 'DSIPTN': 'Dissipation', 'DSIPTS': 'Dissipates', 'DSND': 'Descend', 'DSNDG': 'Descending', 'DSNDS': 'Descends', 'DSNT': 'Distant', 'DSTBLZ': 'Destabilize', 'DSTBLZD': 'Destabilized', 'DSTBLZG': 'Destabilizing', 'DSTBLZN': 'Destabilization', 'DSTBLZS': 'Destabilizes', 'DSTC': 'Distance', 'DTRT': 'Deteriorate', 'DTRTD': 'Deteriorated', 'DTRTG': 'Deteriorating', 'DTRTS': 'Deteriorates', 'DU': 'Widespread dust storm', 'DURC': 'During climb', 'DURD': 'During descent', 'DURG': 'During', 'DURGC': 'During climb', 'DURGD': 'During descent', 'DURN': 'Duration', 'DVLP': 'Develop', 'DVLPD': 'Developed', 'DVLPG': 'Developing', 'DVLPMT': 'Development', 'DVLPS': 'Develops', 'DVRG': 'Diverge', 'DVRGG': 'Diverging', 'DVRGNC': 'Divergence', 'DVRGS': 'Diverges', 'DVV': 'Downward vertical velocity', 'DWNDFTS': 'Downdrafts', 'DWPNT': 'Dew point', 'DWPNTS': 'Dew points', 'DX': 'Duplex', 'DZ': 'Drizzle', 'E': 'East', 'EBND': 'Eastbound', 'EFCT': 'Effect', 'ELNGT': 'Elongate', 'ELNGTD': 'Elongated', 'ELSW': 'Elsewhere', 'EMBD': 'Embedded', 'EMBDD': 'Embedded', 'EMERG': 'Emergency', 'ENCTR': 'Encounter', 'ENDG': 'Ending', 'ENE': 'East-northeast', 'ENELY': 'East-northeasterly', 'ENERN': 'East-northeastern', 'ENEWD': 'East-northeastward', 'ENHNC': 'Enhance', 'ENHNCD': 'Enhanced', 'ENHNCG': 'Enhancing', 'ENHNCMNT': 'Enhancement', 'ENHNCS': 'Enhances', 'ENRT': 'Enroute', 'ENTR': 'Entire', 'ERN': 'Eastern', 'ERY': 'Early', 'ERYR': 'Earlier', 'ESE': 'East-southeast', 'ESELY': 'East-southeasterly', 'ESERN': 'East-southeastern', 'ESEWD': 'East-southeastward', 'ESNTL': 'Essential', 'EST': 'Estimate', 'ESTAB': 'Establish', 'ESTS': 'Estimates', 'ETA': 'Estimated time of arrival', 'ETC': 'Et cetera', 'ETIM': 'Elapsed time', 'EVE': 'Evening', 'EWD': 'Eastward', 'EXCLV': 'Exclusive', 'EXCLVLY': 'Exclusively', 'EXCP': 'Except', 'EXP': 'Expected', 'EXPC': 'Expect', 'EXPCD': 'Expected', 'EXPCG': 'Expecting', 'EXTD': 'Extend', 'EXTDD': 'Extended', 'EXTDG': 'Extending', 'EXTDS': 'Extends', 'EXTN': 'Extension', 'EXTRAP': 'Extrapolate', 'EXTRAPD': 'Extrapolated', 'EXTRM': 'Extreme', 'EXTRMLY': 'Extremely', 'EXTSV': 'Extensive', 'F': 'Fahrenheit', 'FA': 'Aviation area forecast', 'FAH': 'Fahrenheit', 'FAM': 'Familiar', 'FC': 'Funnel cloud', 'FCST': 'Forecast', 'FCSTD': 'Forecasted', 'FCSTG': 'Forecasting', 'FCSTR': 'Forecaster', 'FCSTS': 'Forecasts', 'FEW': 'Few', 'FG': 'Fog', 'FIBI': 'Filed but impracticable to transmit', 'FIG': 'Figure', 'FILG': 'Filling', 'FIR': 'Flight information region', 'FIRAV': 'First available', 'FIRST': 'First observation after a break in coverage at manual station', 'FIS': 'Flight Information Service', 'FIS-B': 'Flight Information Service Broadcast', 'FL': 'Flight level', 'FLG': 'Falling', 'FLRY': 'Flurry', 'FLRYS': 'Flurries', 'FLT': 'Flight', 'FLW': 'Follow', 'FLWG': 'Following', 'FM': 'From', 'FMT': 'Format', 'FNCTN': 'Function', 'FNT': 'Front', 'FNTGNS': 'Frontogenesis', 'FNTL': 'Frontal', 'FNTLYS': 'Frontolysis', 'FNTS': 'Fronts', 'FORNN': 'Forenoon', 'FPM': 'Feet per minute', 'FQT': 'Frequent', 'FQTLY': 'Frequently', 'FRM': 'Form', 'FRMG': 'Forming', 'FRMN': 'Formation', 'FROPA': 'Frontal passage', 'FROSFC': 'Frontal surface', 'FRQ': 'Frequent', 'FRST': 'Frost', 'FRWF': 'Forecast wind factor', 'FRZ': 'Freeze', 'FRZG': 'Freezing', 'FRZLVL': 'Freezing level', 'FRZN': 'Frozen', 'FT': 'Feet or Terminal Forecast', 'FTHR': 'Further', 'FU': 'Smoke', 'FV': 'Flight visibility', 'FVRBL': 'Favorable', 'FWD': 'Forward', 'FYI': 'For your information', 'FZ': 'Freezing', 'FZRANO': 'Freezing rain sensor not available', 'G': 'Gust', 'GEN': 'General', 'GENLY': 'Generally', 'GEO': 'Geographic', 'GEOREF': 'Geographical reference', 'GF': 'Fog', 'GICG': 'Glaze icing', 'GLFALSK': 'Gulf of Alaska', 'GLFCAL': 'Gulf of California', 'GLFMEX': 'Gulf of Mexico', 'GLFSTLAWR': 'Gulf of St. Lawrence', 'GND': 'Ground', 'GNDFG': 'Ground fog', 'GOES': 'Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite', 'GR': 'Hail', 'GRAD': 'Gradient', 'GRDL': 'Gradual', 'GRDLY': 'Gradually', 'GRT': 'Great', 'GRTLY': 'Greatly', 'GRTR': 'Greater', 'GRTST': 'Greatest', 'GS': 'Small hail', 'GSTS': 'Gusts', 'GSTY': 'Gusty', 'GTS': 'Global Telecommunication System', 'GV': 'Ground visibility', 'HAZ': 'Hazard', 'HCVIS': 'High clouds visible', 'HDFRZ': 'Hard freeze', 'HDWND': 'Head wind', 'HGT': 'Height', 'HI': 'High or Hawaii', 'HIER': 'Higher', 'HIFOR': 'High level forecast', 'HLF': 'Half', 'HLSTO': 'Hailstones', 'HLTP': 'Hilltop', 'HLYR': 'Haze layer', 'HND': 'Hundred', 'HPC': 'Hydrometeorological Prediction Center', 'HR': 'Hour', 'HRS': 'Hours', 'HRZN': 'Horizon', 'HTG': 'Heating', 'HURCN': 'Hurricane', 'HUREP': 'Hurricane report', 'HV': 'Have', 'HVY': 'Heavy', 'HVYR': 'Heavier', 'HVYST': 'Heaviest', 'HWVR': 'However', 'HWY': 'Highway', 'HZ': 'Haze', 'IC': 'Ice crystals or ice', 'ICAO': 'International Civil Aviation Organization', 'ICG': 'Icing', 'ICGIC': 'Icing in clouds', 'ICGICIP': 'Icing in clouds and in precipitation', 'ICGIP': 'Icing in precipitation', 'IFR': 'Instrument flight rules', 'IMC': 'Instrument meteorolgical conditions', 'IMDT': 'Immediate', 'IMDTLY': 'Immediately', 'IMPL': 'Impulse', 'IMPLS': 'Impulses', 'IMPT': 'Important', 'INCL': 'Include', 'INCLD': 'Included', 'INCLG': 'Including', 'INCLS': 'Includes', 'INCR': 'Increase', 'INCRD': 'Increased', 'INCRG': 'Increasing', 'INCRGLY': 'Increasingly', 'INCRS': 'Increases', 'INDC': 'Indicate', 'INDCD': 'Indicated', 'INDCG': 'Indicating', 'INDCS': 'Indicates', 'INDEF': 'Indefinite', 'INFO': 'Information', 'INLD': 'Inland', 'INSTBY': 'Instability', 'INTCNTL': 'Intercontinental', 'INTER': 'Intermittent', 'INTL': 'International', 'INTMD': 'Intermediate', 'INTMT': 'Intermittent', 'INTMTLY': 'Intermittently', 'INTR': 'Interior', 'INTRMTRGN': 'Intermountain region', 'INTS': 'Intense', 'INTSFCN': 'Intensification', 'INTSFY': 'Intensify', 'INTSFYD': 'Intensified', 'INTSFYG': 'Intensifying', 'INTSFYS': 'Intensifies', 'INTSTY': 'Intensity', 'INTVL': 'Interval', 'INVOF': 'In vicinity of', 'INVRN': 'Inversion', 'IOVC': 'In overcast', 'IP': 'Ice pellets', 'IPV': 'Improve', 'IPVG': 'Improving', 'IR': 'Infrared', 'ISOL': 'Isolate', 'ISOLD': 'Isolated', 'JCTN': 'Junction', 'JTSTR': 'Jet stream', 'KFRST': 'Killing frost', 'KLYR': 'Smoke layer aloft', 'KMH': 'Kilometers per hour', 'KOCTY': 'Smoke over city', 'KT': 'Knots', 'L': 'Left', 'LAMP': 'Local AWIPS MOS Program', 'LAPS': 'Local Analysis and Prediction System', 'LAST': 'Last observation before a break in coverage at a manual station', 'LAT': 'Latitude', 'LAWRS': 'Limited aviation weather reporting station', 'LCL': 'Local or Lifted condensation level', 'LCLY': 'Locally', 'LCTD': 'Located', 'LCTMP': 'Little change in temperature', 'LCTN': 'Location', 'LDG': 'Landing', 'LEVEL': 'Level', 'LFM': 'Limited fine mesh model', 'LFTG': 'Lifting', 'LGRNG': 'Long-range', 'LGT': 'Light', 'LGTR': 'Lighter', 'LGWV': 'Long wave', 'LI': 'Lifted Index', 'LIFR': 'Low instrument flight rules', 'LIS': 'Lifted Indices', 'LK': 'Lake', 'LKLY': 'Likely', 'LKS': 'Lakes', 'LLJ': 'Low level jet', 'LLWAS': 'Low-level wind shear alert system', 'LLWS': 'Low-level wind shear', 'LMTD': 'Limited', 'LMTG': 'Limiting', 'LMTS': 'Limits', 'LN': 'Line', 'LNS': 'LInes', 'LO': 'Low', 'LONG': 'Longitude', 'LONGL': 'Longitudinal', 'LRG': 'Large', 'LRGLY': 'Largely', 'LRGR': 'Larger', 'LRGST': 'Largest', 'LST': 'Local standard time', 'LTD': 'Limited', 'LTG': 'Lightning', 'LTGCA': 'Lightning cloud-to-air', 'LTGCC': 'Lightning cloud-to-cloud', 'LTGCCCG': 'Lightning cloud-to-cloud', 'LTGCG': 'Lightning cloud-to-ground', 'LTGCW': 'Lightning cloud-to-water', 'LTGIC': 'Lightning in cloud', 'LTL': 'Little', 'LTLCG': 'Little change', 'LTR': 'Later', 'LTST': 'Latest', 'LV': 'Leaving', 'LVL': 'Level', 'LVLS': 'Levels', 'LWR': 'Lower', 'LWRD': 'Lowered', 'LWRG': 'Lowering', 'LYR': 'Layer', 'LYRD': 'Layered', 'LYRS': 'Layers', 'M': 'Minus or Less than lowest sensor value', 'MAX': 'Maximum', 'MB': 'Millibars', 'MCD': 'Mesoscale discussion', 'MDFY': 'Modify', 'MDFYD': 'Modified', 'MDFYG': 'Modifying', 'MDL': 'Model', 'MDLS': 'Models', 'MDT': 'Moderate', 'MDTLY': 'Moderately', 'MED': 'Medium', 'MEGG': 'Merging', 'MESO': 'Mesoscale', 'MET': 'Meteorological', 'METAR': 'Aviation Routine Weather Report', 'METRO': 'Metropolitan', 'MI': 'Mile', 'MID': 'Middle', 'MIDN': 'Midnight', 'MIFG': 'Shallow fog', 'MIL': 'Military', 'MIN': 'Minimum', 'MISG': 'Missing', 'MLTLVL': 'Melting level', 'MNLD': 'Mainland', 'MNLY': 'Mainly', 'MOD': 'Moderate', 'MOGR': 'Moderate or greater', 'MOS': 'Model Output Statistics', 'MOV': 'Move', 'MOVD': 'Moved', 'MOVG': 'Moving', 'MOVMT': 'Movement', 'MOVS': 'Moves', 'MPH': 'Miles per hour', 'MPS': 'Meters per second', 'MRGL': 'Marginal', 'MRGLLY': 'Marginally', 'MRNG': 'Morning', 'MRTM': 'Maritime', 'MSG': 'Message', 'MSL': 'Mean sea level', 'MST': 'Most', 'MSTLY': 'Mostly', 'MSTR': 'Moisture', 'MT': 'Mountain', 'MTN': 'Mountain', 'MTNS': 'Mountains', 'MTW': 'Mountain wave', 'MULT': 'Multiple', 'MULTILVL': 'Multilevel', 'MVFR': 'Marginal visual flight rules', 'MWO': 'Meteorological Watch Office', 'MX': 'Mixed snow and ice', 'MXD': 'Mixed', 'N': 'North', 'N/A': 'Not applicable', 'NAB': 'Not above', 'NAT': 'North Atlantic', 'NATL': 'National', 'NAV': 'Navigation', 'NAVAID': 'Electronic navigation aid facility', 'NBND': 'Northbound', 'NBRHD': 'Neighborhood', 'NC': 'No change', 'NCDC': 'National Climatic Data Center', 'NCEP': 'National Center of Environmental Prediction', 'NCO': 'NCEP Central Operations', 'NCWX': 'No change in weather', 'NE': 'Northeast', 'NEC': 'Necessary', 'NEG': 'Negative', 'NEGLY': 'Negatively', 'NELY': 'Northeasterly', 'NERN': 'Northeastern', 'NEWD': 'Northeastward', 'NGM': 'Nested grid model', 'NGT': 'Night', 'NHC': 'National Hurricane Center', 'NIL': 'None', 'NL': 'No layers', 'NLT': 'Not later than', 'NLY': 'Northerly', 'NM': 'Nautical miles', 'NMBR': 'Number', 'NMBRS': 'Numbers', 'NMC': 'National Meteorological Center', 'NML': 'Normal', 'NMRS': 'Numerous', 'NNE': 'North-northeast', 'NNELY': 'North-northeasterly', 'NNERN': 'North-northeastern', 'NNEWD': 'North-northeastward', 'NNNN': 'End of message', 'NNW': 'North-northwest', 'NNWLY': 'North-northwesterly', 'NNWRN': 'North-northwestern', 'NNWWD': 'North-northwestward', 'NOAA': 'National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration', 'NOPAC': 'Northern Pacific', 'NOS': 'National Ocean Service', 'NOSPECI': 'No SPECI reports are taken at station', 'NPRS': 'Nonpersistent', 'NR': 'Near', 'NRLY': 'Nearly', 'NRN': 'Northern', 'NRW': 'Narrow', 'NSC': 'No significant cloud', 'NSW': 'No significant weather', 'NTFY': 'Notify', 'NTFYD': 'Notified', 'NVA': 'Negative vorticity advection', 'NW': 'Northwest', 'NWD': 'Northward', 'NWLY': 'Northwesterly', 'NWRN': 'Northwestern', 'NWS': 'National Weather Service', 'NXT': 'Next', 'OAT': 'Outside air temperature', 'OBND': 'Outbound', 'OBS': 'Observation', 'OBSC': 'Obscure', 'OBSCD': 'Obscured', 'OBSCG': 'Obscuring', 'OCFNT': 'Occluded front', 'OCLD': 'Occlude', 'OCLDD': 'Occluded', 'OCLDG': 'Occluding', 'OCLDS': 'Occludes', 'OCLN': 'Occlusion', 'OCNL': 'Occasional', 'OCNLY': 'Occasionally', 'OCR': 'Occur', 'OCRD': 'Occurred', 'OCRG': 'Occurring', 'OCRS': 'Occurs', 'OFC': 'Office', 'OFCM': 'Office of the Federal Coordinator for Meteorology', 'OFP': 'Occluded frontal passage', 'OFSHR': 'Offshore', 'OHD': 'Overhead', 'OMTNS': 'Over mountains', 'ONSHR': 'On shore', 'ORGPHC': 'Orographic', 'ORIG': 'Original', 'OSV': 'Ocean station vessel', 'OTLK': 'Outlook', 'OTP': 'On top', 'OTR': 'Other', 'OTRW': 'Otherwise', 'OUTFLO': 'Outflow', 'OV': 'Over', 'OVC': 'Overcast', 'OVHD': 'Overhead', 'OVNGT': 'Overnight', 'OVR': 'Over', 'OVRN': 'Overrun', 'OVRNG': 'Overrunning', 'OVTK': 'Overtake', 'OVTKG': 'Overtaking', 'OVTKS': 'Overtakes', 'P': 'Higher than greatest sensor value', 'P6SM': 'Visibility forecast to be greater than 6 statute miles', 'PAC': 'Pacific', 'PATWAS': "Pilot's automatic telephone weather answering service", 'PBL': 'Planetary boundary layer', 'PCPN': 'Precipitation', 'PD': 'Period', 'PDMT': 'Predominant', 'PDS': 'Periods', 'PE': 'Ice pellets', 'PEN': 'Peninsula', 'PERM': 'Permanent', 'PHYS': 'Physical', 'PIBAL': 'Pilot balloon observation', 'PIREP': 'Pilot weather report', 'PK WND': 'Peak wind', 'PL': 'Ice pellets', 'PLNS': 'Plains', 'PLS': 'Please', 'PLTO': 'Plateau', 'PM': 'Postmeridian', 'PNHDL': 'Panhandle', 'PNO': 'Precipitation amount not available', 'PO': 'Dust or sand swirls', 'POS': 'Positive', 'POSLY': 'Positively', 'PPINA': 'Radar weather report not available', 'PPINE': 'Radar weather report no echoes observed', 'PPSN': 'Present position', 'PR': 'Partial', 'PRBL': 'Probable', 'PRBLTY': 'Probability', 'PRBLY': 'Probably', 'PRECD': 'Precede', 'PRECDD': 'Preceded', 'PRECDG': 'Preceding', 'PRECDS': 'Precedes', 'PRES': 'Pressure', 'PRESFR': 'Pressure falling rapidly', 'PRESRR': 'Pressure rising rapidly', 'PRFG': 'Partial fog', 'PRIM': 'Primary', 'PRIN': 'Principal', 'PRIND': 'Present indications are', 'PRJMP': 'Pressure jump', 'PROB': 'Probability', 'PROBC C': "Forecaster's assessment of the probability of occurrence of a thunderstorm or precipitation event, along with associated weather elements (wind, visibility, and/or sky condition) whose occurrences are directly related to, and contemporaneous with, the thunderstorm or precipitation event", 'PROC': 'Procedure', 'PROD': 'Produce', 'PRODG': 'Producing', 'PROG': 'Forecast', 'PROGD': 'Forecasted', 'PROGS': 'Forecasts', 'PRSNT': 'Present', 'PRSNTLY': 'Presently', 'PRST': 'Persist', 'PRSTNC': 'Persistence', 'PRSTNT': 'Persistent', 'PRSTS': 'Persists', 'PRVD': 'Provide', 'PRVDD': 'Provided', 'PRVDG': 'Providing', 'PRVDS': 'Provides', 'PS': 'Plus', 'PSBL': 'Possible', 'PSBLTY': 'Possibility', 'PSBLY': 'Possibly', 'PSG': 'Passage', 'PSN': 'Position', 'PSND': 'Positioned', 'PTCHY': 'Patchy', 'PTLY': 'Partly', 'PTNL': 'Potential', 'PTNLY': 'Potentially', 'PTNS': 'Portions', 'PVA': 'Positive vorticity advection', 'PVL': 'Prevail', 'PVLD': 'Prevailed', 'PVLG': 'Prevailing', 'PVLS': 'Prevails', 'PVLT': 'Prevalent', 'PWB': 'Pilot weather briefing', 'PWINO': 'Precipitation identifier sensor not available', 'PWR': 'Power', 'PY': 'Spray', 'QN': 'Question', 'QPFERD': 'NCEP excessive rainfall discussion', 'QPFHSD': 'NCEP heavy snow discussion', 'QPFSPD': 'NCEP special precipitation discussion', 'QSTNRY': 'Quasistationary', 'QTR': 'Quarter', 'QUAD': 'Quadrant', 'R': 'Right', 'RA': 'Rain', 'RADAT': 'Radiosonde additional data', 'RAOB': 'Radiosonde observation', 'RCA': 'Reach Cruising Altitude', 'RCH': 'Reach', 'RCHD': 'Reached', 'RCHG': 'Reaching', 'RCHS': 'Reaches', 'RCKY': 'Rocky', 'RCMD': 'Recommend', 'RCMDD': 'Recommended', 'RCMDG': 'Recommending', 'RCMDS': 'Recommends', 'RCRD': 'Record', 'RCRDS': 'Records', 'RCV': 'Receive', 'RCVD': 'Received', 'RCVG': 'Receiving', 'RCVS': 'Receives', 'RDC': 'Reduce', 'RDGG': 'Ridging', 'RDOACT': 'Radioactive', 'RDR': 'Radar', 'RDVLP': 'Redevelop', 'RDVLPG': 'Redeveloping', 'RDVLPMT': 'Redevelopment', 'RE': 'Regard', 'RECON': 'Reconnaissance', 'REF': 'Reference', 'REPL': 'Replace', 'REPLD': 'Replaced', 'REPLG': 'Replacing', 'REPLS': 'Replaces', 'REQ': 'Request', 'REQS': 'Requests', 'REQSTD': 'Requested', 'RES': 'Reserve', 'RESP': 'Response', 'RESTR': 'Restrict', 'RGD': 'Ragged', 'RGL': 'Regional model', 'RGLR': 'Regular', 'RGN': 'Region', 'RGNS': 'Regions', 'RGT': 'Right', 'RH': 'Relative humidity', 'RHINO': 'RHI not operative', 'RIME': 'Type of icing characterized by a rough, milky, opaque appearance', 'RLBL': 'Reliable', 'RLTV': 'Relative', 'RLTVLY': 'Relatively', 'RM': 'Remarks', 'RMK': 'Remark', 'RMN': 'Remain', 'RMND': 'Remained', 'RMNDR': 'Remainder', 'RMNG': 'Remaining', 'RMNS': 'Remains', 'RNFL': 'Rainfall', 'RNG': 'Range', 'ROT': 'Rotate', 'ROTD': 'Rotated', 'ROTG': 'Rotating', 'ROTS': 'Rotates', 'RPD': 'Rapid', 'RPDLY': 'Rapidly', 'RPLC': 'Replace', 'RPLCD': 'Replaced', 'RPLCG': 'Replacing', 'RPLCS': 'Replaces', 'RPRT': 'Report', 'RPRTD': 'Reported', 'RPRTG': 'Reporting', 'RPRTS': 'Reports', 'RPT': 'Repeat', 'RPTG': 'Repeating', 'RPTS': 'Repeats', 'RQR': 'Require', 'RQRD': 'Required', 'RQRG': 'Requiring', 'RQRS': 'Requires', 'RS': 'Receiver station', 'RSG': 'Rising', 'RSN': 'Reason', 'RSNG': 'Reasoning', 'RSNS': 'Reasons', 'RSTR': 'Restrict', 'RSTRD': 'Restricted', 'RSTRG': 'Restricting', 'RSTRS': 'Restricts', 'RTRN': 'Return', 'RTRND': 'Returned', 'RTRNG': 'Returning', 'RTRNS': 'Returns', 'RUC': 'Rapid Update Cycle', 'RUF': 'Rough', 'RUFLY': 'Roughly', 'RVR': 'Runway Visual Range', 'RVRNO': 'RVR system not available', 'RVS': 'Revise', 'RVSD': 'Revised', 'RVSG': 'Revising', 'RVSS': 'Revises', 'RW': 'Rain shower', 'RWY': 'Runway', 'RY': 'Runway', 'S': 'South', 'SA': 'Sand', 'SAB': 'Satellite Analysis Branch', 'SAO': 'Surface observation', 'SATFY': 'Satisfactory', 'SBND': 'Southbound', 'SBSD': 'Subside', 'SBSDD': 'Subsided', 'SBSDNC': 'Subsidence', 'SBSDS': 'Subsides', 'SC': 'Stratocumulus', 'SCND': 'Second', 'SCNDRY': 'Secondary', 'SCSL': 'Stratocumulus standing lenticular', 'SCT': 'Scattered', 'SCTD': 'Scattered', 'SCTR': 'Sector', 'SE': 'Southeast', 'SEC': 'Second', 'SELY': 'Southeasterly', 'SEPN': 'Separation', 'SEQ': 'Sequence', 'SERN': 'Southeastern', 'SEV': 'Severe', 'SEWD': 'Southeastward', 'SFC': 'Surface', 'SFERICS': 'Atmospherics', 'SG': 'Snow grains', 'SGFNT': 'Significant', 'SGFNTLY': 'Significantly', 'SH': 'Showers', 'SHFT': 'Shift', 'SHFTD': 'Shifted', 'SHFTG': 'Shifting', 'SHFTS': 'Shifts', 'SHLD': 'Shield', 'SHLW': 'Shallow', 'SHRT': 'Short', 'SHRTLY': 'Shortly', 'SHRTWV': 'Shortwave', 'SHUD': 'Should', 'SHWR': 'Shower', 'SIG': 'Signature', 'SIGMET': 'Significant meteorological information', 'SIMUL': 'Simultaneous', 'SK': 'Sky cover', 'SKC': 'Sky clear', 'SKED': 'Schedule', 'SLD': 'Solid', 'SLGT': 'Slight', 'SLGTLY': 'Slightly', 'SLO': 'Slow', 'SLOLY': 'Slowly', 'SLOR': 'Slower', 'SLP': 'Sea level pressure', 'SLPG': 'Sloping', 'SLPNO': 'Sea-level pressure not available', 'SLT': 'Sleet', 'SLW': 'Slow', 'SLY': 'Southerly', 'SM': 'Statute mile', 'SMK': 'Smoke', 'SML': 'Small', 'SMLR': 'Smaller', 'SMRY': 'Summary', 'SMS': 'Sunchronous meteorological satellite', 'SMTH': 'Smooth', 'SMTHR': 'Smoother', 'SMTHST': 'Smoothest', 'SMTM': 'Sometime', 'SMWHT': 'Somewhat', 'SN': 'Snow', 'SNBNK': 'Snowbank', 'SND': 'Sand', 'SNFLK': 'Snowflake', 'SNGL': 'Single', 'SNOINCR': 'Snow increase', 'SNOINCRG': 'Snow increasing', 'SNST': 'Sunset', 'SNW': 'Snow', 'SNWFL': 'Snowfall', 'SOP': 'Standard operating procedure', 'SP': 'Snow pellets', 'SPC': 'Storm Prediction Center', 'SPCLY': 'Especially', 'SPD': 'Speed', 'SPECI': 'Special observation', 'SPENES': 'Satellite precip. estimate statement', 'SPKL': 'Sprinkle', 'SPRD': 'Spread', 'SPRDG': 'Spreading', 'SPRDS': 'Spreads', 'SPRL': 'Spiral', 'SQ': 'Squall', 'SQAL': 'Squall', 'SQL': 'Squall line', 'SQLN': 'Squall line', 'SR': 'Sunrise', 'SRN': 'Southern', 'SRND': 'Surround', 'SRNDD': 'Surrounded', 'SRNDG': 'Surrounding', 'SRNDS': 'Surrounds', 'SS': 'Sunset', 'SSE': 'South-southeast', 'SSELY': 'South-southeasterly', 'SSERN': 'South-southeastern', 'SSEWD': 'South-southeastward', 'SSW': 'South-southwest', 'SSWLY': 'South-southwesterly', 'SSWRN': 'South-southwestern', 'SSWWD': 'South-southwestward', 'ST': 'Stratus', 'STAGN': 'Stagnation', 'STBL': 'Stable', 'STBLTY': 'Stability', 'STD': 'Standard', 'STDY': 'Steady', 'STFR': 'Stratus fractus', 'STFRM': 'Stratiform', 'STG': 'Strong', 'STGLY': 'Strongly', 'STGR': 'Stronger', 'STGST': 'Strongest', 'STLT': 'Satellite', 'STM': 'Storm', 'STMS': 'Storms', 'STN': 'Station', 'STNR': 'Stationary', 'STNRY': 'Stationary', 'SUB': 'Substitute', 'SUBTRPCL': 'Subtropical', 'SUF': 'Sufficient', 'SUFLY': 'Sufficiently', 'SUG': 'Suggest', 'SUGG': 'Suggesting', 'SUGS': 'Suggests', 'SUP': 'Supply', 'SUPG': 'Supplying', 'SUPR': 'Superior', 'SUPSD': 'Supersede', 'SUPSDG': 'Superseding', 'SUPSDS': 'Supersedes', 'SVG': 'Serving', 'SVR': 'Severe', 'SVRL': 'Several', 'SW': 'Southwest', 'SW+': 'Heavy snow shower', 'SW-': 'Light snow shower', 'SWD': 'Southward', 'SWLG': 'Swelling', 'SWLY': 'Southwesterly', 'SWODY1': 'SPC Severe Weather Outlook for Day 1', 'SWOMCD': 'SPC Mesoscale discussion', 'SWRN': 'Southwestern', 'SWWD': 'Southwestward', 'SX': 'Stability index', 'SXN': 'Section', 'SYNOP': 'Synoptic', 'SYNS': 'Synopsis', 'SYS': 'System', 'T': 'Thunder', 'TA': 'Temperature', 'TACAN': 'UHF Tactical Air Navigation Aid', 'TAF': 'Terminal Area Forecast', 'TB': 'Turbulence', 'TC': 'Tropical cyclone', 'TCNTL': 'Transcontinental', 'TCU': 'Towering cumulus', 'TDA': 'Today', 'TEI': 'Text element indicator', 'TEMP': 'Temperature', 'TEMPO': 'Temporary', 'THD': 'Thunderhead', 'THDR': 'Thunder', 'THK': 'Thick', 'THKNG': 'Thickening', 'THKNS': 'Thickness', 'THKR': 'Thicker', 'THKST': 'Thickest', 'THN': 'Thin', 'THNG': 'Thinning', 'THNR': 'Thinner', 'THNST': 'Thinnest', 'THR': 'Threshold', 'THRFTR': 'Thereafter', 'THRU': 'Through', 'THRUT': 'Throughout', 'THSD': 'Thousand', 'THTN': 'Threaten', 'THTND': 'Threatened', 'THTNG': 'Threatening', 'THTNS': 'Threatens', 'TIL': 'Until', 'TKOF': 'Takeoff', 'TM': 'Time', 'TMPRY': 'Temporary', 'TMPRYLY': 'Temporarily', 'TMW': 'Tomorrow', 'TNDCY': 'Tendency', 'TNDCYS': 'Tendencies', 'TNGT': 'Tonight', 'TNTV': 'Tentative', 'TNTVLY': 'Tentatively', 'TOC': 'Top of Climb', 'TOP': 'Top of Clouds', 'TOPS': 'Tops', 'TOVC': 'Top of overcast', 'TP': 'Type of aircraft', 'TPG': 'Topping', 'TRBL': 'Trouble', 'TRIB': 'Tributary', 'TRKG': 'Tracking', 'TRML': 'Terminal', 'TRMT': 'Terminate', 'TRMTD': 'Terminated', 'TRMTG': 'Terminating', 'TRMTS': 'Terminates', 'TRNSP': 'Transport', 'TRNSPG': 'Transporting', 'TROF': 'Trough', 'TROFS': 'Troughs', 'TROP': 'Tropopause', 'TRPCD': 'Tropical continental air mass', 'TRPCL': 'Tropical', 'TRRN': 'Terrain', 'TRSN': 'Transition', 'TRW': 'Thunderstorm', 'TRW+': 'Thunderstorm with heavy rain shower', 'TS': 'Thunderstorm', 'TS+': 'Thunderstorm with heavy snow', 'TSFR': 'Transfer', 'TSFRD': 'Transferred', 'TSFRG': 'Transferring', 'TSFRS': 'Transfers', 'TSGR': 'Thunderstorm with hail', 'TSHWR': 'Thundershower', 'TSNO': 'Thunderstorm information not available', 'TSNT': 'Transient', 'TSQLS': 'Thundersquall', 'TSTM': 'Thunderstorm', 'TSW': 'Thunderstorm with snow showers', 'TSW+': 'Thunderstorm with heavy snow showers', 'TURB': 'Turbulence', 'TURBC': 'Turbulence', 'TURBT': 'Turbulent', 'TWD': 'Toward', 'TWDS': 'Towards', 'TWI': 'Twilight', 'TWR': 'Tower', 'TWRG': 'Towering', 'UA': 'Pilot weather reports', 'UDDF': 'Up and downdrafts', 'UIR': 'Upper flight information region', 'UN': 'Unable', 'UNAVBL': 'Unavailable', 'UNEC': 'Unnecessary', 'UNKN': 'Unknown', 'UNL': 'Unlimited', 'UNRELBL': 'Unreliable', 'UNRSTD': 'Unrestricted', 'UNSATFY': 'Unsatisfactory', 'UNSBL': 'Unseasonable', 'UNSTBL': 'Unstable', 'UNSTDY': 'Unsteady', 'UNSTL': 'Unsettle', 'UNSTLD': 'Unsettled', 'UNUSBL': 'Unusable', 'UP': 'Unknown precipitation', 'UPDFTS': 'Updrafts', 'UPR': 'Upper', 'UPSLP': 'Upslope', 'UPSTRM': 'Upstream', 'URG': 'Urgent', 'USBL': 'Usable', 'UTC': 'Universal Time Coordinate', 'UUA': 'Urgent PIREP Weather Reports', 'UVV': 'Upward vertical velocity', 'UWNDS': 'Upper winds Varies', 'V': 'Varies', 'VA': 'Volcanic Ash', 'VAAC': 'Volcanic Ash Advisory Center', 'VAAS': 'Volcanic Ash Advisory Statement', 'VAD': 'Velocity azimuth display', 'VAL': 'Valley', 'VARN': 'Variation', 'VC': 'Vicinity', 'VCNTY': 'Vicinity', 'VCOT': 'VFR conditions on top', 'VCTR': 'Vector', 'VCTS': 'Thunderstorms in the vicinity', 'VDUC': 'VAS Data Utilization Center', 'VFR': 'Visual flight rules', 'VFY': 'Verify', 'VFYD': 'Verified', 'VFYG': 'Verifying', 'VFYS': 'Verifies', 'VHF': 'Very High Frequency', 'VIS': 'Visibility', 'VLCTY': 'Velocity', 'VLCTYS': 'Velocities', 'VLNT': 'Violent', 'VLNTLY': 'Violently', 'VLY': 'Valley', 'VMC': 'Visual meteorological conditions', 'VOL': 'Volume', 'VOR': 'VHF Omnidirectional Radio Range', 'VORT': 'Vorticity', 'VORTAC': 'VOR and TACAN combination', 'VR': 'Veer', 'VRB': 'Variable', 'VRBL': 'Variable', 'VRG': 'Veering', 'VRS': 'Veers', 'VRT MOTN': 'Vertical motion', 'VRY': 'Very', 'VSB': 'Visible', 'VSBY': 'Visibility', 'VSBYDR': 'Visibility decreasing rapidly', 'VSBYIR': 'Visibility increasing rapidly', 'VSNO': 'Visibility at secondary location not available', 'VV': 'Vertical visibility', 'VWP': 'VAD Wind profiler', 'W': 'West', 'WAA': 'Warm air advection', 'WAFS': 'Word Area Forecast System', 'WBND': 'Westbound', 'WDLY': 'Widely', 'WDSPRD': 'Widespread', 'WEA': 'Weather', 'WFO': 'Weather Forecast Office', 'WFP': 'Warm front passage', 'WFSO': 'Weather Forecast Service Office', 'WI': 'Within', 'WIBIS': 'Will be issued', 'WID': 'Width', 'WINT': 'Winter', 'WK': 'Weak', 'WKDAY': 'Weekday', 'WKEND': 'Weekend', 'WKN': 'Weaken', 'WKNG': 'Weakening', 'WKNS': 'Weakens', 'WKR': 'Weaker', 'WKST': 'Weakest', 'WL': 'Will', 'WLY': 'Westerly', 'WMO': 'World Meteorological Organization', 'WND': 'Wind', 'WNDS': 'Winds', 'WNW': 'West-northwest', 'WNWLY': 'West-northwesterly', 'WNWRN': 'West-northwestern', 'WNWWD': 'West-northwestward', 'WO': 'Without', 'WRM': 'Warm', 'WRMFNT': 'Warm front', 'WRMFNTL': 'Warm frontal', 'WRMG': 'Warming', 'WRMR': 'Warmer', 'WRMST': 'Warmest', 'WRN': 'Western', 'WRNG': 'Warning', 'WRS': 'Worse', 'WS': 'Wind shear', 'WSFO': 'Weather Service Forecast Office', 'WSHFT': 'Windshift', 'WSO': 'Weather service office', 'WSPD': 'Wind speed', 'WSR-88D': 'NWS Doppler Radar', 'WSW': 'West-southwest', 'WSWLY': 'West-southwesterly', 'WSWRN': 'West-southwestern', 'WSWWD': 'West-southwestward', 'WTR': 'Water', 'WTSPT': 'Waterspout', 'WUD': 'Would', 'WV': 'Wind', 'WVS': 'Waves', 'WW': 'Severe weather watch', 'WWAMKC': 'SPC status report', 'WWD': 'Westward', 'WWS': 'Severe weather watches', 'WX': 'Weather', 'XCP': 'Except', 'XPC': 'Expect', 'XPCD': 'Expected', 'XPCG': 'Expecting', 'XPCS': 'Expects', 'XPLOS': 'Explosive', 'XTND': 'Extend', 'XTNDD': 'Extended', 'XTNDG': 'Extending', 'XTRM': 'Extreme', 'XTRMLY': 'Extremely', 'YDA': 'Yesterday', 'Z': 'Zulu time', 'ZL': 'Freezing drizzle', 'ZN': 'Zone', 'ZNS': 'Zones', 'ZR': 'Freezing rain'}

Glossary of abreviations found in reports. These should be treated as default values. OTher elements may overwrite in specific instances.