
NOTAM static values.

  1"""NOTAM static values."""
  3# Q Codes sourced from FAA apprendix
  4# https://www.faa.gov/air_traffic/publications/atpubs/notam_html/appendix_b.html
  5# https://www.notams.faa.gov/common/qcode/qcode23.html
  7SUBJECT = {
  8    "AA": "Minimum altitude",
  9    "AC": "Class B, C, D, or E Surface Area",
 10    "AD": "Air defense identification zone",
 11    "AE": "Control area",
 12    "AF": "Flight information region",
 13    "AH": "Upper control area",
 14    "AL": "Minimum usable flight level",
 15    "AN": "Area navigation route",
 16    "AO": "Oceanic control area",
 17    "AP": "Reporting point",
 18    "AR": "ATS route",
 19    "AT": "Terminal control area",
 20    "AU": "Upper flight information region",
 21    "AV": "Upper advisory area",
 22    "AX": "Significant point",
 23    "AZ": "Aerodrome traffic zone",
 24    "CA": "Air/ground facility",
 25    "CB": "Automatic dependent surveillance - broadcast",
 26    "CC": "Automatic dependent surveillance - contract",
 27    "CD": "Controller-pilot data link communications",
 28    "CE": "En route surveillance radar",
 29    "CF": "Operating frequncy",
 30    "CG": "Ground controlled approach system",
 31    "CL": "Selective calling system",
 32    "CM": "Surface movement radar",
 33    "CO": "Operations",
 34    "CP": "Precision approach radar",
 35    "CR": "Surveillance radar element of precision approach radar system",
 36    "CS": "Secondary surveillance radar",
 37    "CT": "Terminal area surveillance radar",
 38    "FA": "Aerodrome",
 39    "FB": "Friction measuring device",
 40    "FC": "Ceiling measurement equipment",
 41    "FD": "Docking system",
 42    "FE": "Oxygen",
 43    "FF": "Fire fighting and rescue",
 44    "FG": "Ground movement control",
 45    "FH": "Helicopter alighting area/platform",
 46    "FI": "Aircraft de-icing",
 47    "FJ": "Oils",
 48    "FL": "Landing direction indicator",
 49    "FM": "Meteorological service",
 50    "FO": "Fog dispersal system",
 51    "FP": "Heliport",
 52    "FS": "Snow removal equipment",
 53    "FT": "Transmissometer",
 54    "FU": "Fuel availability",
 55    "FW": "Wind direction indicator",
 56    "FZ": "Customs/immigration",
 57    "GA": "GNSS airfield-specific operations",
 58    "GB": "Optical landing system",
 59    "GC": "Transient maitenance",
 60    "GD": "Starter unit",
 61    "GE": "Soap",
 62    "GF": "Demineralized water",
 63    "GG": "Oxygen",
 64    "GH": "Oil",
 65    "GI": "Drag chutes",
 66    "GJ": "ASR",
 67    "GK": "Precision approach landing system",
 68    "GL": "FACSFAC",
 69    "GM": "Firing range",
 70    "GN": "Night vision google operations",
 71    "GO": "Warning area",
 72    "GP": "Arresting gear markers",
 73    "GQ": "Pulsating/steady visual approach slope indicator",
 74    "GR": "Diverse departure",
 75    "GS": "Nitrogen",
 76    "GT": "IFR take-off minimums and departure procedures",
 77    "GU": "De-ice",
 78    "GV": "Clear zone",
 79    "GW": "GNSS area-wide operations",
 80    "GX": "Runway distance remaining signs",
 81    "GY": "Helo pad",
 82    "GZ": "Base operations",
 83    "IC": "Instrument landing system",
 84    "ID": "DME associated with ILS",
 85    "IG": "Glide path",
 86    "II": "Inner marker",
 87    "IL": "Localizer",
 88    "IM": "Middle marker",
 89    "IN": "Localizer",
 90    "IO": "Outer marker",
 91    "IS": "ILS Category I",
 92    "IT": "ILS Category II",
 93    "IU": "ILS Category III",
 94    "IW": "Microwave landing system",
 95    "IX": "Locator, outer",
 96    "IY": "Locator, middle",
 97    "KK": "Volcanic activity",
 98    "LA": "Approach lighting system",
 99    "LB": "Aerodrome beacon",
100    "LC": "Runway centre line lights",
101    "LD": "Landing direction indicator lights",
102    "LE": "Runway edge lights",
103    "LF": "Sequenced flashing lights",
104    "LG": "Pilot-controlled lighting",
105    "LH": "High intensity runway lights",
106    "LI": "Runway end identifier lights",
107    "LJ": "Runway alignment indicator lights",
108    "LK": "Category II components of approach lighting system",
109    "LL": "Low intensity runway lights",
110    "LM": "Medium intensity runway lights",
111    "LP": "Precision approach path indicator",
112    "LR": "All landing area lighting facilities",
113    "LS": "Stopway lights",
114    "LT": "Threshold lights",
115    "LU": "Helicopter approach path indicator",
116    "LV": "Visual approach slope indicator system",
117    "LW": "Heliport lighting",
118    "LX": "Taxiway centre line lights",
119    "LY": "Taxiway edge lights",
120    "LZ": "Runway touchdown zone lights",
121    "MA": "Movement area",
122    "MB": "Bearing strength",
123    "MC": "Clearway",
124    "MD": "Declared distances",
125    "MG": "Taxiing guidance system",
126    "MH": "Runway arresting gear",
127    "MK": "Parking area",
128    "MM": "Daylight markings",
129    "MN": "Apron",
130    "MO": "Stopbar",
131    "MP": "Aircraft stands",
132    "MR": "Runway",
133    "MS": "Stopway",
134    "MT": "Threshold",
135    "MU": "Runway turning bay",
136    "MW": "Strip/shoulder",
137    "MX": "Taxiway",
138    "MY": "Rapid exit taxiway",
139    "NA": "All radio navigation facilities",
140    "NB": "Nondirectional radio beacon",
141    "NC": "DECCA",
142    "ND": "Distance measuring equipment",
143    "NF": "Fan marker",
144    "NL": "Locator",
145    "NM": "VOR/DME",
146    "NN": "TACAN",
147    "NO": "OMEGA",
148    "NT": "VORTAC",
149    "NV": "VOR",
150    "NX": "Direction finding station",
151    "OA": "Aeronautical information service",
152    "OB": "Obstacle",
153    "OE": "Aircraft entry requirements",
154    "OL": "Obstacle lights",
155    "OR": "Rescue coordination centre",
156    "PA": "Standard instrument arrival",
157    "PB": "Standard VFR arrival",
158    "PC": "Contingency procedures",
159    "PD": "Standard instrument departure",
160    "PE": "Standard VFR departure",
161    "PF": "Flow control procedure",
162    "PH": "Holding procedure",
163    "PI": "Instrument approach procedure",
164    "PK": "VFR approach procedure",
165    "PL": "Flight plan processing",
166    "PM": "Aerodrome operating minima",
167    "PN": "Noise operating restriction",
168    "PO": "Obstacle clearance altitude and height",
169    "PR": "Radio failure procedure",
170    "PT": "Transition altitude or transition level",
171    "PU": "Missed approach procedure",
172    "PX": "Minimum holding altitude",
173    "PZ": "ADIZ procedure",
174    "RA": "Airspace reservation",
175    "RD": "Danger area",
176    "RM": "Military operating area",
177    "RO": "Overflying",
178    "RP": "Prohibited area",
179    "RR": "Restricted area",
180    "RT": "Temporary restricted area",
181    "SA": "Automatic terminal information service",
182    "SB": "ATS reporting office",
183    "SC": "Area control centre",
184    "SE": "Flight information service",
185    "SF": "Aerodrome flight information service",
186    "SL": "Flow control centre",
187    "SO": "Oceanic area control centre",
188    "SP": "Approach control service",
189    "SS": "Flight service station",
190    "ST": "Aerodrome control tower",
191    "SU": "Upper area control centre",
192    "SV": "VOLMET broadcast",
193    "SY": "Upper advisory service",
194    "TT": "MIJI",
195    "WA": "Air display",
196    "WB": "Aerobatics",
197    "WC": "Captive balloon or kite",
198    "WD": "Demolition of explosives",
199    "WE": "Exercises",
200    "WF": "Air refueling",
201    "WG": "Glider flying",
202    "WH": "Blasting",
203    "WJ": "Banner/target towing",
204    "WL": "Ascent of free balloon",
205    "WM": "Missile, gun or rocket firing",
206    "WO": "Laser activity",  # Encountered, non-standard
207    "WP": "Parachute jumping exercise, paragliding, or hang gliding",
208    "WR": "Radioactive materials or toxic chemicals",
209    "WS": "Burning or blowing gas",
210    "WT": "Mass movement of aircraft",
211    "WU": "Unmanned aircraft",
212    "WV": "Formation flight",
213    "WW": "Significant volcanic activity",
214    "WY": "Aerial survey",
215    "WZ": "Model flying",
216    "XX": "Unknown",
220    "AC": "Withdrawn for maintenance",
221    "AD": "Available for daylight operation",
222    "AF": "Flight checked and found reliable",
223    "AG": "Operating but ground checked only, awaiting flight check",
224    "AH": "Hours of service changed",
225    "AK": "Resumed normal operations",
226    "AL": "Operative",
227    "AM": "Military operations only",
228    "AN": "Available for night operation",
229    "AO": "Operational",
230    "AP": "Available, prior permission required",
231    "AR": "Available on request",
232    "AS": "Unserviceable",
233    "AU": "Not available",
234    "AW": "Completely withdrawn",
235    "AX": "Previously promulgated shutdown has been canceled",
236    "CA": "Activated",
237    "CC": "Completed",
238    "CD": "Deactivated",
239    "CE": "Erected",
240    "CF": "Frequency changed to",
241    "CG": "Downgraded to",
242    "CH": "Changed",
243    "CI": "Identification or radio call sign changed to",
244    "CL": "Realigned",
245    "CM": "Displaced",
246    "CN": "Canceled",
247    "CO": "Operating",
248    "CP": "Operating on reduced power",
249    "CR": "Temporarily replaced by",
250    "CS": "Installed",
251    "CT": "On test, do not use",
252    "HA": "Braking action",
253    "HB": "Friction coefficient",
254    "HC": "Covered by compacted snow to depth of",
255    "HD": "Covered by dry snow to a depth of",
256    "HE": "Covered by water to a depth of",
257    "HF": "Totally free of snow and ice",
258    "HG": "Grass cutting in progress",
259    "HH": "Hazard due to",
260    "HI": "Covered by ice",
261    "HJ": "Launch planned",
262    "HK": "Bird migration in progress",
263    "HL": "Snow clearance completed",
264    "HM": "Marked by",
265    "HN": "Covered by wet snow or slush to a depth of",
266    "HO": "Obscured by snow",
267    "HP": "Snow clearance in progress",
268    "HQ": "Operation canceled",
269    "HR": "Standing water",
270    "HS": "Sanding in progress",
271    "HT": "Approach according to signal area only",
272    "HU": "Launch in progress",
273    "HV": "Work completed",
274    "HW": "Work in progress",
275    "HX": "Concentration of birds",
276    "HY": "Snow banks exist",
277    "HZ": "Covered by frozen ruts and ridges",
278    "LA": "Operating on auxiliary power supply",
279    "LB": "Reserved for aircraft based therein",
280    "LC": "Closed",
281    "LD": "Unsafe",
282    "LE": "Operating without auxiliary power supply",
283    "LF": "Interference from",
284    "LG": "Operating without identification",
285    "LH": "Unserviceable for aircraft heavier than",
286    "LI": "Closed to IFR operations",
287    "LK": "Operating as a fixed light",
288    "LL": "Usable for length and width",
289    "LN": "Closed to all night operations",
290    "LP": "Prohibited to",
291    "LR": "Aircraft restricted to runways and taxiways",
292    "LS": "Subject to interruption",
293    "LT": "Limited to",
294    "LV": "Closed to VFR operations",
295    "LW": "Will take place",
296    "LX": "Operating but caution advised due to",
297    "XX": "Plain text following",
300# Other codes sourced from Nav Canada transition docs
301# https://www.navcanada.ca/en/briefing-on-the-transition-to-icao-notam-format.pdf
304    "NOTAMN": "New",
305    "NOTAMR": "Replace",
306    "NOTAMC": "Cancel",
310    "I": "IFR",
311    "V": "VFR",
312    "IV": "IFR and VFR",
315PURPOSE = {
316    "N": "Immediate",
317    "B": "Briefing",
318    "O": "Flight Operations",
319    "M": "Miscellaneous",
320    "K": "Checklist",
323SCOPE = {
324    "A": "Aerodrome",
325    "E": "En Route",
326    "W": "Warning",
327    "K": "Checklist",
330# Additional codes sourced from FAA NOTAM contractions list
331# https://www.notams.faa.gov/downloads/contractions.pdf
333CODES = {
334    "ABN": "Airport Beacon",
335    "ABV": "Above",
336    "ACC": "Area Control Center",
337    "ACCUM": "Accumulate",
338    "ACFT": "Aircraft",
339    "ACR": "Air Carrier",
340    "ACT": "Active",
341    "ADJ": "Adjacent",
342    "ADZD": "Advised",
343    "AFD": "Airport Facility Directory",
344    "AGL": "Above Ground Level",
345    "ALS": "Approach Lighting System",
346    "ALT": "Altitude",
347    "ALTM": "Altimeter",
348    "ALTN": "Alternate",
349    "ALTNLY": "Alternately",
350    "ALSTG": "Altimeter Setting",
351    "AMDT": "Amendment",
352    "AMGR": "Airport Manager",
353    "AMOS": "Automatic Meteorological Observing System",
354    "AP": "Airport",
355    "APCH": "Approach",
356    "AP LGT": "Airport Lighting",
357    "APP": "Approach Control",
358    "ARFF": "Aircraft Rescue and Fire Fighting",
359    "ARR": "Arrive, Arrival",
360    "ASOS": "Automatic Surface Observing System",
361    "ASPH": "Asphalt",
362    "ATC": "Air Traffic Control",
363    "ATCCC": "Air Traffic Control Command Center",
364    "ATIS": "Automatic Terminal Information Service",
365    "AUTOB": "Automatic Weather Reporting System",
366    "AUTH": "Authority",
367    "AVBL": "Available",
368    "AWOS": "Automatic Weather Observing/Reporting System",
369    "AWY": "Airway",
370    "AZM": "Azimuth",
371    "BA FAIR": "Braking action fair",
372    "BA NIL": "Braking action nil",
373    "BA POOR": "Braking action poor",
374    "BC": "Back Course",
375    "BCN": "Beacon",
376    "BERM": "Snowbank(s) Containing Earth/Gravel",
377    "BLW": "Below",
378    "BND": "Bound",
379    "BRG": "Bearing",
380    "BYD": "Beyond",
381    "CAAS": "Class A Airspace",
382    "CAT": "Category",
383    "CBAS": "Class B Airspace",
384    "CBSA": "Class B Surface Area",
385    "CCAS": "Class C Airspace",
386    "CCLKWS": "Counterclockwise",
387    "CCSA": "Class C Surface Area",
388    "CD": "Clearance Delivery",
389    "CDAS": "Class D Airspace",
390    "CDSA": "Class D Surface Area",
391    "CEAS": "Class E Airspace",
392    "CESA": "Class E Surface Area",
393    "CFR": "Code of Federal Regulations",
394    "CGAS": "Class G Airspace",
395    "CHAN": "Channel",
396    "CHG": "Change or Modification",
397    "CIG": "Ceiling",
398    "CK": "Check",
399    "CL": "Centre Line",
400    "CLKWS": "Clockwise",
401    "CLR": "Clearance, Clear(s), Cleared to",
402    "CLSD": "Closed",
403    "CMB": "Climb",
404    "CMSND": "Commissioned",
405    "CNL": "Cancel",
406    "CNTRLN": "Centerline",
407    "COM": "Communications",
408    "CONC": "Concrete",
409    "CPD": "Coupled",
410    "CRS": "Course",
411    "CTC": "Contact",
412    "CTL": "Control",
413    "DALGT": "Daylight",
414    "DCMSN": "Decommission",
415    "DCMSND": "Decommissioned",
416    "DCT": "Direct",
417    "DEGS": "Degrees",
418    "DEP": "Depart, Departure",
419    "DEP PROC": "Departure Procedure",
420    "DH": "Decision Height",
421    "DISABLD": "Disabled",
422    "DIST": "Distance",
423    "DLA": "Delay or Delayed",
424    "DLT": "Delete",
425    "DLY": "Daily",
426    "DME": "Distance Measuring Equipment",
427    "DMSTN": "Demonstration",
428    "DP": "Dewpoint Temperature",
429    "DRFT": "Snowbank/s Caused by Wind Action",
430    "DSPLCD": "Displaced",
431    "E": "East",
432    "EB": "Eastbound",
433    "EFAS": "En Route Flight Advisory Service",
434    "ELEV": "Elevation",
435    "ENG": "Engine",
436    "ENRT": "En Route",
437    "ENTR": "Entire",
438    "EXC": "Except",
439    "FAC": "Facility or Facilities",
440    "FAF": "Final Approach Fix",
441    "FAN MKR": "Fan Marker",
442    "FDC": "Flight Data Center",
443    "FI/T": "Flight Inspection Temporay",
444    "FI/P": "Flight Inspection Permanent",
445    "FM": "From",
446    "FNA": "Final Approach",
447    "FPM": "Feet Per Minute",
448    "FREQ": "Frequency",
449    "FRH": "Fly Runway Heading",
450    "FRI": "Friday",
451    "FRZN": "Frozen",
452    "FSS": "Automated/Flight Service Station",
453    "FT": "Foot, Feet",
454    "GC": "Ground Control",
455    "GCA": "Ground Control Approach",
456    "GCO": "Ground Communications Outlet",
457    "GOVT": "Government",
458    "GP": "Glide Path",
459    "GPS": "Global Positioning System",
460    "GRVL": "Gravel",
461    "HAA": "Height Above Airport",
462    "HAT": "Height Above Touchdown",
463    "HDG": "Heading",
464    "HEL": "Helicopter",
465    "HELI": "Heliport",
466    "HIRL": "High Intensity Runway Lights",
467    "HIWAS": "Hazardous Inflight Weather Advisory Service",
468    "HLDG": "Holding",
469    "HOL": "Holiday",
470    "HP": "Holding Pattern",
471    "HR": "Hour",
472    "IAF": "Initial Approach Fix",
473    "IAP": "Instrument Approach Procedure",
474    "INBD": "Inbound",
475    "ID": "Identification",
476    "IDENT": "Identify, Identifier, Identification",
477    "IF": "Intermediate Fix",
478    "ILS": "Instrument Landing System",
479    "IM": "Inner Marker",
480    "IMC": "Instrument Meteorological Conditions",
481    "IN": "Inch, Inches",
482    "INDEFLY": "Indefinitely",
483    "INFO": "Information",
484    "INOP": "Inoperative",
485    "INSTR": "Instrument",
486    "INT": "Intersection",
487    "INTL": "International",
488    "INTST": "Intensity",
489    "IR": "Ice On Runway(s)",
490    "KT": "Knots",
491    "L": "Left",
492    "LAA": "Local Airport Advisory",
493    "LAT": "Latitude",
494    "LAWRS": "Limited Aviation Weather Reporting Station",
495    "LB": "Pound(s)",
496    "LC": "Local Control",
497    "LOC": "Local, Locally, Location",
498    "LCTD": "Located",
499    "LDA": "Localizer Type Directional Aid",
500    "LGT": "Light or Lighting",
501    "LGTD": "Lighted",
502    "LIRL": "Low Intensity Runway Lights",
503    "LLWAS": "Low Level Wind Shear Alert System",
504    "LM": "Compass Locator at ILS Middle Marker",
505    "LDG": "Landing",
506    "LLZ": "Localizer",
507    "LO": "Compass Locator at ILS Outer Marker",
508    "LONG": "Longitude",
509    "LRN": "Long Range Navigation",
510    "LSR": "Loose Snow on Runway(s)",
511    "LT": "Left Turn",
512    "MAG": "Magnetic",
513    "MAINT": "Maintain, Maintenance",
514    "MALS": "Medium Intensity Approach Light System",
515    "MALSF": "Medium Intensity Approach Light System with Sequenced Flashers",
516    "MALSR": "Medium Intensity Approach Light System with Runway Alignment Indicator Lights",
517    "MAPT": "Missed Approach Point",
518    "MCA": "Minimum Crossing Altitude",
519    "MDA": "Minimum Descent Altitude",
520    "MEA": "Minimum En Route Altitude",
521    "MED": "Medium",
522    "MIN": "Minute(s)",
523    "MIRL": "Medium Intensity Runway Lights",
524    "MKR": "Marker",
525    "MLS": "Microwave Landing System",
526    "MM": "Middle Marker",
527    "MNM": "Minimum",
528    "MNT": "Monitor, Monitoring, or Monitored",
529    "MOC": "Minimum Obstruction Clearance",
530    "MON": "Monday",
531    "MRA": "Minimum Reception Altitude",
532    "MSA": "MinimumSafeAltitude,MinimumSectorAltitude",
533    "MSAW": "Minimum Safe Altitude Warning",
534    "MSG": "Message",
535    "MSL": "Mean Sea Level",
536    "MU": "Mu Meters",
537    "MUD": "Mud",
538    "MUNI": "Municipal",
539    "N": "North",
540    "NA": "Not Authorized",
541    "NAV": "Navigation",
542    "NB": "Northbound",
543    "NDB": "Nondirectional Radio Beacon",
544    "NE": "Northeast",
545    "NGT": "Night",
546    "NM": "Nautical Mile(s)",
547    "NMR": "Nautical Mile Radius",
548    "NONSTD": "Nonstandard",
549    "NOPT": "No Procedure Turn Required",
550    "NR": "Number",
551    "NTAP": "Notice to Airmen Publication",
552    "NW": "Northwest",
553    "OBSC": "Obscured, Obscure, or Obscuring",
554    "OBST": "Obstruction, Obstacle",
555    "OM": "Outer Marker",
556    "OPR": "Operate, Operator, or Operative",
557    "OPS": "Operation(s)",
558    "ORIG": "Original",
559    "OTS": "Out of Service",
560    "OVR": "Over",
561    "PAEW": "Personnel and Equipment Working",
562    "PAX": "Passenger(s)",
563    "PAPI": "Precision Approach Path Indicator",
564    "PAR": "Precision Approach Radar",
565    "PARL": "Parallel",
566    "PAT": "Pattern",
567    "PCL": "Pilot Controlled Lighting",
568    "PERM": "Permanent",
569    "PJE": "Parachute Jumping Exercise",
570    "PLA": "Practice Low Approach",
571    "PLW": "Plow, Plowed",
572    "PN": "Prior Notice Required",
573    "PPR": "Prior Permission Required",
574    "PRN": "Psuedo Random Noise",
575    "PROC": "Procedure",
576    "PROP": "Propeller",
577    "PSR": "Packed Snow on Runway(s)",
578    "PTCHY": "Patchy",
579    "PTN": "Procedure Turn",
580    "PVT": "Private",
581    "RAIL": "Runway Alignment Indicator Lights",
582    "RAMOS": "Remote Automatic Meteorological Observing System",
583    "RCAG": "Remote Communication Air/Ground Facility",
584    "RCL": "Runway Center Line",
585    "RCLL": "Runway Center Line Lights",
586    "RCO": "Remote Communication Outlet",
587    "REC": "Receive or Receiver",
588    "REIL": "Runway End Identifier Lights",
589    "RELCTD": "Relocated",
590    "REP": "Report",
591    "RLLS": "Runway Lead-In Light System",
592    "RMNDR": "Remainder",
593    "RMK": "Remark(s)",
594    "RNAV": "Area Navigation",
595    "RPLC": "Replace",
596    "RQRD": "Required",
597    "RRL": "Runway Remaining Lights",
598    "RSR": "En Route Surveillance Radar",
599    "RSVN": "Reservation",
600    "RT": "Right Turn",
601    "RTE": "Route",
602    "RTR": "Remote Transmitter/Receiver",
603    "RTS": "Return to Service",
604    "RUF": "Rough",
605    "RVR": "Runway Visual Range",
606    "RVRM": "Runway Visual Range Midpoint",
607    "RVRR": "Runway Visual Range Rollout",
608    "RVRT": "Runway Visual Range Touchdown",
609    "RWY": "Runway",
610    "S": "South",
611    "SA": "Sand, Sanded",
612    "SAT": "Saturday",
613    "SAWRS": "Supplementary Aviation Weather Reporting Station",
614    "SB": "Southbound",
615    "SDF": "Simplified Directional Facility",
616    "SE": "Southeast",
617    "SFL": "Sequence Flashing Lights",
618    "SIMUL": "Simultaneous or Simultaneously",
619    "SIR": "PackedorCompactedSnowandIceonRunway(s)",
620    "SKED": "Scheduled or Schedule",
621    "SLR": "Slush on Runway(s)",
622    "SN": "Snow",
623    "SNBNK": "Snowbank/s Caused by Plowing (Windrow(s))",
624    "SNGL": "Single",
625    "SPD": "Speed",
626    "SSALF": "Simplified Short Approach Lighting with Sequence Flashers",
627    "SSALR": "Simplified Short Approach Lighting with Runway Alignment Indicator Lights",
628    "SSALS": "Simplified Short Approach Lighting System",
629    "SSR": "Secondary Surveillance Radar",
630    "STA": "Straight-In Approach",
631    "STAR": "Standard Terminal Arrival",
632    "SUN": "Sunday",
633    "SVC": "Service",
634    "SVN": "Satellite Vehicle Number",
635    "SW": "Southwest",
636    "SWEPT": "Swept",
637    "T": "Temperature",
638    "TACAN": "Tactical Air Navigational Aid (Azimuth and DME)",
639    "TAR": "Terminal Area Surveillance Radar",
640    "TDWR": "Terminal Doppler Weather Radar",
641    "TDZ": "Touchdown Zone",
642    "TDZ LGT": "Touchdown Zone Lights",
643    "TEMPO": "Temporary or Temporarily",
644    "TFC": "Traffic",
645    "TFR": "Temporary Flight Restriction",
646    "TGL": "Touch-and-Go Landings",
647    "THN": "Thin",
648    "THR": "Threshold",
649    "THRU": "Through",
650    "THU": "Thursday",
651    "TIL": "Until",
652    "TKOF": "Takeoff",
653    "TM": "Traffic Management",
654    "TMPA": "Traffic Management Program Alert",
655    "TRML": "Terminal",
656    "TRNG": "Training",
657    "TRSN": "Transition",
658    "TSNT": "Transient",
659    "TUE": "Tuesday",
660    "TWR": "Airport Control Tower",
661    "TWY": "Taxiway",
662    "UAV": "Unmanned Air Vehicles",
663    "UFN": "Until Further Notice",
664    "UNAVBL": "Unavailable",
665    "UNLGTD": "Unlighted",
666    "UNMKD": "Unmarked",
667    "UNMNT": "Unmonitored",
668    "UNREL": "Unreliable",
669    "UNUSBL": "Unusable",
670    "VASI": "Visual Approach Slope Indicator System",
671    "VDP": "Visual Descent Point",
672    "VIA": "By Way Of",
673    "VICE": "Instead/Versus",
674    "VIS": "Visibility",
675    "VMC": "Visual Meteorological Conditions",
676    "VOL": "Volume",
677    "VOR": "VHF Omni-Directional Radio Range",
678    "VORTAC": "VOR and TACAN (Collocated)",
679    "W": "West",
680    "WB": "Westbound",
681    "WED": "Wednesday",
682    "WEF": "With Effect From",
683    "WI": "Within",
684    "WIE": "With Immediate Effect",
685    "WKDAYS": "Monday through Friday",
686    "WKEND": "Saturday and Sunday",
687    "WND": "Wind",
688    "WPT": "Waypoint",
689    "WSR": "Wet Snow on Runway(s)",
690    "WTR": "Water on Runway(s)",
691    "WX": "Weather",
SUBJECT = {'AA': 'Minimum altitude', 'AC': 'Class B, C, D, or E Surface Area', 'AD': 'Air defense identification zone', 'AE': 'Control area', 'AF': 'Flight information region', 'AH': 'Upper control area', 'AL': 'Minimum usable flight level', 'AN': 'Area navigation route', 'AO': 'Oceanic control area', 'AP': 'Reporting point', 'AR': 'ATS route', 'AT': 'Terminal control area', 'AU': 'Upper flight information region', 'AV': 'Upper advisory area', 'AX': 'Significant point', 'AZ': 'Aerodrome traffic zone', 'CA': 'Air/ground facility', 'CB': 'Automatic dependent surveillance - broadcast', 'CC': 'Automatic dependent surveillance - contract', 'CD': 'Controller-pilot data link communications', 'CE': 'En route surveillance radar', 'CF': 'Operating frequncy', 'CG': 'Ground controlled approach system', 'CL': 'Selective calling system', 'CM': 'Surface movement radar', 'CO': 'Operations', 'CP': 'Precision approach radar', 'CR': 'Surveillance radar element of precision approach radar system', 'CS': 'Secondary surveillance radar', 'CT': 'Terminal area surveillance radar', 'FA': 'Aerodrome', 'FB': 'Friction measuring device', 'FC': 'Ceiling measurement equipment', 'FD': 'Docking system', 'FE': 'Oxygen', 'FF': 'Fire fighting and rescue', 'FG': 'Ground movement control', 'FH': 'Helicopter alighting area/platform', 'FI': 'Aircraft de-icing', 'FJ': 'Oils', 'FL': 'Landing direction indicator', 'FM': 'Meteorological service', 'FO': 'Fog dispersal system', 'FP': 'Heliport', 'FS': 'Snow removal equipment', 'FT': 'Transmissometer', 'FU': 'Fuel availability', 'FW': 'Wind direction indicator', 'FZ': 'Customs/immigration', 'GA': 'GNSS airfield-specific operations', 'GB': 'Optical landing system', 'GC': 'Transient maitenance', 'GD': 'Starter unit', 'GE': 'Soap', 'GF': 'Demineralized water', 'GG': 'Oxygen', 'GH': 'Oil', 'GI': 'Drag chutes', 'GJ': 'ASR', 'GK': 'Precision approach landing system', 'GL': 'FACSFAC', 'GM': 'Firing range', 'GN': 'Night vision google operations', 'GO': 'Warning area', 'GP': 'Arresting gear markers', 'GQ': 'Pulsating/steady visual approach slope indicator', 'GR': 'Diverse departure', 'GS': 'Nitrogen', 'GT': 'IFR take-off minimums and departure procedures', 'GU': 'De-ice', 'GV': 'Clear zone', 'GW': 'GNSS area-wide operations', 'GX': 'Runway distance remaining signs', 'GY': 'Helo pad', 'GZ': 'Base operations', 'IC': 'Instrument landing system', 'ID': 'DME associated with ILS', 'IG': 'Glide path', 'II': 'Inner marker', 'IL': 'Localizer', 'IM': 'Middle marker', 'IN': 'Localizer', 'IO': 'Outer marker', 'IS': 'ILS Category I', 'IT': 'ILS Category II', 'IU': 'ILS Category III', 'IW': 'Microwave landing system', 'IX': 'Locator, outer', 'IY': 'Locator, middle', 'KK': 'Volcanic activity', 'LA': 'Approach lighting system', 'LB': 'Aerodrome beacon', 'LC': 'Runway centre line lights', 'LD': 'Landing direction indicator lights', 'LE': 'Runway edge lights', 'LF': 'Sequenced flashing lights', 'LG': 'Pilot-controlled lighting', 'LH': 'High intensity runway lights', 'LI': 'Runway end identifier lights', 'LJ': 'Runway alignment indicator lights', 'LK': 'Category II components of approach lighting system', 'LL': 'Low intensity runway lights', 'LM': 'Medium intensity runway lights', 'LP': 'Precision approach path indicator', 'LR': 'All landing area lighting facilities', 'LS': 'Stopway lights', 'LT': 'Threshold lights', 'LU': 'Helicopter approach path indicator', 'LV': 'Visual approach slope indicator system', 'LW': 'Heliport lighting', 'LX': 'Taxiway centre line lights', 'LY': 'Taxiway edge lights', 'LZ': 'Runway touchdown zone lights', 'MA': 'Movement area', 'MB': 'Bearing strength', 'MC': 'Clearway', 'MD': 'Declared distances', 'MG': 'Taxiing guidance system', 'MH': 'Runway arresting gear', 'MK': 'Parking area', 'MM': 'Daylight markings', 'MN': 'Apron', 'MO': 'Stopbar', 'MP': 'Aircraft stands', 'MR': 'Runway', 'MS': 'Stopway', 'MT': 'Threshold', 'MU': 'Runway turning bay', 'MW': 'Strip/shoulder', 'MX': 'Taxiway', 'MY': 'Rapid exit taxiway', 'NA': 'All radio navigation facilities', 'NB': 'Nondirectional radio beacon', 'NC': 'DECCA', 'ND': 'Distance measuring equipment', 'NF': 'Fan marker', 'NL': 'Locator', 'NM': 'VOR/DME', 'NN': 'TACAN', 'NO': 'OMEGA', 'NT': 'VORTAC', 'NV': 'VOR', 'NX': 'Direction finding station', 'OA': 'Aeronautical information service', 'OB': 'Obstacle', 'OE': 'Aircraft entry requirements', 'OL': 'Obstacle lights', 'OR': 'Rescue coordination centre', 'PA': 'Standard instrument arrival', 'PB': 'Standard VFR arrival', 'PC': 'Contingency procedures', 'PD': 'Standard instrument departure', 'PE': 'Standard VFR departure', 'PF': 'Flow control procedure', 'PH': 'Holding procedure', 'PI': 'Instrument approach procedure', 'PK': 'VFR approach procedure', 'PL': 'Flight plan processing', 'PM': 'Aerodrome operating minima', 'PN': 'Noise operating restriction', 'PO': 'Obstacle clearance altitude and height', 'PR': 'Radio failure procedure', 'PT': 'Transition altitude or transition level', 'PU': 'Missed approach procedure', 'PX': 'Minimum holding altitude', 'PZ': 'ADIZ procedure', 'RA': 'Airspace reservation', 'RD': 'Danger area', 'RM': 'Military operating area', 'RO': 'Overflying', 'RP': 'Prohibited area', 'RR': 'Restricted area', 'RT': 'Temporary restricted area', 'SA': 'Automatic terminal information service', 'SB': 'ATS reporting office', 'SC': 'Area control centre', 'SE': 'Flight information service', 'SF': 'Aerodrome flight information service', 'SL': 'Flow control centre', 'SO': 'Oceanic area control centre', 'SP': 'Approach control service', 'SS': 'Flight service station', 'ST': 'Aerodrome control tower', 'SU': 'Upper area control centre', 'SV': 'VOLMET broadcast', 'SY': 'Upper advisory service', 'TT': 'MIJI', 'WA': 'Air display', 'WB': 'Aerobatics', 'WC': 'Captive balloon or kite', 'WD': 'Demolition of explosives', 'WE': 'Exercises', 'WF': 'Air refueling', 'WG': 'Glider flying', 'WH': 'Blasting', 'WJ': 'Banner/target towing', 'WL': 'Ascent of free balloon', 'WM': 'Missile, gun or rocket firing', 'WO': 'Laser activity', 'WP': 'Parachute jumping exercise, paragliding, or hang gliding', 'WR': 'Radioactive materials or toxic chemicals', 'WS': 'Burning or blowing gas', 'WT': 'Mass movement of aircraft', 'WU': 'Unmanned aircraft', 'WV': 'Formation flight', 'WW': 'Significant volcanic activity', 'WY': 'Aerial survey', 'WZ': 'Model flying', 'XX': 'Unknown'}
CONDITION = {'AC': 'Withdrawn for maintenance', 'AD': 'Available for daylight operation', 'AF': 'Flight checked and found reliable', 'AG': 'Operating but ground checked only, awaiting flight check', 'AH': 'Hours of service changed', 'AK': 'Resumed normal operations', 'AL': 'Operative', 'AM': 'Military operations only', 'AN': 'Available for night operation', 'AO': 'Operational', 'AP': 'Available, prior permission required', 'AR': 'Available on request', 'AS': 'Unserviceable', 'AU': 'Not available', 'AW': 'Completely withdrawn', 'AX': 'Previously promulgated shutdown has been canceled', 'CA': 'Activated', 'CC': 'Completed', 'CD': 'Deactivated', 'CE': 'Erected', 'CF': 'Frequency changed to', 'CG': 'Downgraded to', 'CH': 'Changed', 'CI': 'Identification or radio call sign changed to', 'CL': 'Realigned', 'CM': 'Displaced', 'CN': 'Canceled', 'CO': 'Operating', 'CP': 'Operating on reduced power', 'CR': 'Temporarily replaced by', 'CS': 'Installed', 'CT': 'On test, do not use', 'HA': 'Braking action', 'HB': 'Friction coefficient', 'HC': 'Covered by compacted snow to depth of', 'HD': 'Covered by dry snow to a depth of', 'HE': 'Covered by water to a depth of', 'HF': 'Totally free of snow and ice', 'HG': 'Grass cutting in progress', 'HH': 'Hazard due to', 'HI': 'Covered by ice', 'HJ': 'Launch planned', 'HK': 'Bird migration in progress', 'HL': 'Snow clearance completed', 'HM': 'Marked by', 'HN': 'Covered by wet snow or slush to a depth of', 'HO': 'Obscured by snow', 'HP': 'Snow clearance in progress', 'HQ': 'Operation canceled', 'HR': 'Standing water', 'HS': 'Sanding in progress', 'HT': 'Approach according to signal area only', 'HU': 'Launch in progress', 'HV': 'Work completed', 'HW': 'Work in progress', 'HX': 'Concentration of birds', 'HY': 'Snow banks exist', 'HZ': 'Covered by frozen ruts and ridges', 'LA': 'Operating on auxiliary power supply', 'LB': 'Reserved for aircraft based therein', 'LC': 'Closed', 'LD': 'Unsafe', 'LE': 'Operating without auxiliary power supply', 'LF': 'Interference from', 'LG': 'Operating without identification', 'LH': 'Unserviceable for aircraft heavier than', 'LI': 'Closed to IFR operations', 'LK': 'Operating as a fixed light', 'LL': 'Usable for length and width', 'LN': 'Closed to all night operations', 'LP': 'Prohibited to', 'LR': 'Aircraft restricted to runways and taxiways', 'LS': 'Subject to interruption', 'LT': 'Limited to', 'LV': 'Closed to VFR operations', 'LW': 'Will take place', 'LX': 'Operating but caution advised due to', 'XX': 'Plain text following'}
REPORT_TYPE = {'NOTAMN': 'New', 'NOTAMR': 'Replace', 'NOTAMC': 'Cancel'}
TRAFFIC_TYPE = {'I': 'IFR', 'V': 'VFR', 'IV': 'IFR and VFR'}
PURPOSE = {'N': 'Immediate', 'B': 'Briefing', 'O': 'Flight Operations', 'M': 'Miscellaneous', 'K': 'Checklist'}
SCOPE = {'A': 'Aerodrome', 'E': 'En Route', 'W': 'Warning', 'K': 'Checklist'}
CODES = {'ABN': 'Airport Beacon', 'ABV': 'Above', 'ACC': 'Area Control Center', 'ACCUM': 'Accumulate', 'ACFT': 'Aircraft', 'ACR': 'Air Carrier', 'ACT': 'Active', 'ADJ': 'Adjacent', 'ADZD': 'Advised', 'AFD': 'Airport Facility Directory', 'AGL': 'Above Ground Level', 'ALS': 'Approach Lighting System', 'ALT': 'Altitude', 'ALTM': 'Altimeter', 'ALTN': 'Alternate', 'ALTNLY': 'Alternately', 'ALSTG': 'Altimeter Setting', 'AMDT': 'Amendment', 'AMGR': 'Airport Manager', 'AMOS': 'Automatic Meteorological Observing System', 'AP': 'Airport', 'APCH': 'Approach', 'AP LGT': 'Airport Lighting', 'APP': 'Approach Control', 'ARFF': 'Aircraft Rescue and Fire Fighting', 'ARR': 'Arrive, Arrival', 'ASOS': 'Automatic Surface Observing System', 'ASPH': 'Asphalt', 'ATC': 'Air Traffic Control', 'ATCCC': 'Air Traffic Control Command Center', 'ATIS': 'Automatic Terminal Information Service', 'AUTOB': 'Automatic Weather Reporting System', 'AUTH': 'Authority', 'AVBL': 'Available', 'AWOS': 'Automatic Weather Observing/Reporting System', 'AWY': 'Airway', 'AZM': 'Azimuth', 'BA FAIR': 'Braking action fair', 'BA NIL': 'Braking action nil', 'BA POOR': 'Braking action poor', 'BC': 'Back Course', 'BCN': 'Beacon', 'BERM': 'Snowbank(s) Containing Earth/Gravel', 'BLW': 'Below', 'BND': 'Bound', 'BRG': 'Bearing', 'BYD': 'Beyond', 'CAAS': 'Class A Airspace', 'CAT': 'Category', 'CBAS': 'Class B Airspace', 'CBSA': 'Class B Surface Area', 'CCAS': 'Class C Airspace', 'CCLKWS': 'Counterclockwise', 'CCSA': 'Class C Surface Area', 'CD': 'Clearance Delivery', 'CDAS': 'Class D Airspace', 'CDSA': 'Class D Surface Area', 'CEAS': 'Class E Airspace', 'CESA': 'Class E Surface Area', 'CFR': 'Code of Federal Regulations', 'CGAS': 'Class G Airspace', 'CHAN': 'Channel', 'CHG': 'Change or Modification', 'CIG': 'Ceiling', 'CK': 'Check', 'CL': 'Centre Line', 'CLKWS': 'Clockwise', 'CLR': 'Clearance, Clear(s), Cleared to', 'CLSD': 'Closed', 'CMB': 'Climb', 'CMSND': 'Commissioned', 'CNL': 'Cancel', 'CNTRLN': 'Centerline', 'COM': 'Communications', 'CONC': 'Concrete', 'CPD': 'Coupled', 'CRS': 'Course', 'CTC': 'Contact', 'CTL': 'Control', 'DALGT': 'Daylight', 'DCMSN': 'Decommission', 'DCMSND': 'Decommissioned', 'DCT': 'Direct', 'DEGS': 'Degrees', 'DEP': 'Depart, Departure', 'DEP PROC': 'Departure Procedure', 'DH': 'Decision Height', 'DISABLD': 'Disabled', 'DIST': 'Distance', 'DLA': 'Delay or Delayed', 'DLT': 'Delete', 'DLY': 'Daily', 'DME': 'Distance Measuring Equipment', 'DMSTN': 'Demonstration', 'DP': 'Dewpoint Temperature', 'DRFT': 'Snowbank/s Caused by Wind Action', 'DSPLCD': 'Displaced', 'E': 'East', 'EB': 'Eastbound', 'EFAS': 'En Route Flight Advisory Service', 'ELEV': 'Elevation', 'ENG': 'Engine', 'ENRT': 'En Route', 'ENTR': 'Entire', 'EXC': 'Except', 'FAC': 'Facility or Facilities', 'FAF': 'Final Approach Fix', 'FAN MKR': 'Fan Marker', 'FDC': 'Flight Data Center', 'FI/T': 'Flight Inspection Temporay', 'FI/P': 'Flight Inspection Permanent', 'FM': 'From', 'FNA': 'Final Approach', 'FPM': 'Feet Per Minute', 'FREQ': 'Frequency', 'FRH': 'Fly Runway Heading', 'FRI': 'Friday', 'FRZN': 'Frozen', 'FSS': 'Automated/Flight Service Station', 'FT': 'Foot, Feet', 'GC': 'Ground Control', 'GCA': 'Ground Control Approach', 'GCO': 'Ground Communications Outlet', 'GOVT': 'Government', 'GP': 'Glide Path', 'GPS': 'Global Positioning System', 'GRVL': 'Gravel', 'HAA': 'Height Above Airport', 'HAT': 'Height Above Touchdown', 'HDG': 'Heading', 'HEL': 'Helicopter', 'HELI': 'Heliport', 'HIRL': 'High Intensity Runway Lights', 'HIWAS': 'Hazardous Inflight Weather Advisory Service', 'HLDG': 'Holding', 'HOL': 'Holiday', 'HP': 'Holding Pattern', 'HR': 'Hour', 'IAF': 'Initial Approach Fix', 'IAP': 'Instrument Approach Procedure', 'INBD': 'Inbound', 'ID': 'Identification', 'IDENT': 'Identify, Identifier, Identification', 'IF': 'Intermediate Fix', 'ILS': 'Instrument Landing System', 'IM': 'Inner Marker', 'IMC': 'Instrument Meteorological Conditions', 'IN': 'Inch, Inches', 'INDEFLY': 'Indefinitely', 'INFO': 'Information', 'INOP': 'Inoperative', 'INSTR': 'Instrument', 'INT': 'Intersection', 'INTL': 'International', 'INTST': 'Intensity', 'IR': 'Ice On Runway(s)', 'KT': 'Knots', 'L': 'Left', 'LAA': 'Local Airport Advisory', 'LAT': 'Latitude', 'LAWRS': 'Limited Aviation Weather Reporting Station', 'LB': 'Pound(s)', 'LC': 'Local Control', 'LOC': 'Local, Locally, Location', 'LCTD': 'Located', 'LDA': 'Localizer Type Directional Aid', 'LGT': 'Light or Lighting', 'LGTD': 'Lighted', 'LIRL': 'Low Intensity Runway Lights', 'LLWAS': 'Low Level Wind Shear Alert System', 'LM': 'Compass Locator at ILS Middle Marker', 'LDG': 'Landing', 'LLZ': 'Localizer', 'LO': 'Compass Locator at ILS Outer Marker', 'LONG': 'Longitude', 'LRN': 'Long Range Navigation', 'LSR': 'Loose Snow on Runway(s)', 'LT': 'Left Turn', 'MAG': 'Magnetic', 'MAINT': 'Maintain, Maintenance', 'MALS': 'Medium Intensity Approach Light System', 'MALSF': 'Medium Intensity Approach Light System with Sequenced Flashers', 'MALSR': 'Medium Intensity Approach Light System with Runway Alignment Indicator Lights', 'MAPT': 'Missed Approach Point', 'MCA': 'Minimum Crossing Altitude', 'MDA': 'Minimum Descent Altitude', 'MEA': 'Minimum En Route Altitude', 'MED': 'Medium', 'MIN': 'Minute(s)', 'MIRL': 'Medium Intensity Runway Lights', 'MKR': 'Marker', 'MLS': 'Microwave Landing System', 'MM': 'Middle Marker', 'MNM': 'Minimum', 'MNT': 'Monitor, Monitoring, or Monitored', 'MOC': 'Minimum Obstruction Clearance', 'MON': 'Monday', 'MRA': 'Minimum Reception Altitude', 'MSA': 'MinimumSafeAltitude,MinimumSectorAltitude', 'MSAW': 'Minimum Safe Altitude Warning', 'MSG': 'Message', 'MSL': 'Mean Sea Level', 'MU': 'Mu Meters', 'MUD': 'Mud', 'MUNI': 'Municipal', 'N': 'North', 'NA': 'Not Authorized', 'NAV': 'Navigation', 'NB': 'Northbound', 'NDB': 'Nondirectional Radio Beacon', 'NE': 'Northeast', 'NGT': 'Night', 'NM': 'Nautical Mile(s)', 'NMR': 'Nautical Mile Radius', 'NONSTD': 'Nonstandard', 'NOPT': 'No Procedure Turn Required', 'NR': 'Number', 'NTAP': 'Notice to Airmen Publication', 'NW': 'Northwest', 'OBSC': 'Obscured, Obscure, or Obscuring', 'OBST': 'Obstruction, Obstacle', 'OM': 'Outer Marker', 'OPR': 'Operate, Operator, or Operative', 'OPS': 'Operation(s)', 'ORIG': 'Original', 'OTS': 'Out of Service', 'OVR': 'Over', 'PAEW': 'Personnel and Equipment Working', 'PAX': 'Passenger(s)', 'PAPI': 'Precision Approach Path Indicator', 'PAR': 'Precision Approach Radar', 'PARL': 'Parallel', 'PAT': 'Pattern', 'PCL': 'Pilot Controlled Lighting', 'PERM': 'Permanent', 'PJE': 'Parachute Jumping Exercise', 'PLA': 'Practice Low Approach', 'PLW': 'Plow, Plowed', 'PN': 'Prior Notice Required', 'PPR': 'Prior Permission Required', 'PRN': 'Psuedo Random Noise', 'PROC': 'Procedure', 'PROP': 'Propeller', 'PSR': 'Packed Snow on Runway(s)', 'PTCHY': 'Patchy', 'PTN': 'Procedure Turn', 'PVT': 'Private', 'RAIL': 'Runway Alignment Indicator Lights', 'RAMOS': 'Remote Automatic Meteorological Observing System', 'RCAG': 'Remote Communication Air/Ground Facility', 'RCL': 'Runway Center Line', 'RCLL': 'Runway Center Line Lights', 'RCO': 'Remote Communication Outlet', 'REC': 'Receive or Receiver', 'REIL': 'Runway End Identifier Lights', 'RELCTD': 'Relocated', 'REP': 'Report', 'RLLS': 'Runway Lead-In Light System', 'RMNDR': 'Remainder', 'RMK': 'Remark(s)', 'RNAV': 'Area Navigation', 'RPLC': 'Replace', 'RQRD': 'Required', 'RRL': 'Runway Remaining Lights', 'RSR': 'En Route Surveillance Radar', 'RSVN': 'Reservation', 'RT': 'Right Turn', 'RTE': 'Route', 'RTR': 'Remote Transmitter/Receiver', 'RTS': 'Return to Service', 'RUF': 'Rough', 'RVR': 'Runway Visual Range', 'RVRM': 'Runway Visual Range Midpoint', 'RVRR': 'Runway Visual Range Rollout', 'RVRT': 'Runway Visual Range Touchdown', 'RWY': 'Runway', 'S': 'South', 'SA': 'Sand, Sanded', 'SAT': 'Saturday', 'SAWRS': 'Supplementary Aviation Weather Reporting Station', 'SB': 'Southbound', 'SDF': 'Simplified Directional Facility', 'SE': 'Southeast', 'SFL': 'Sequence Flashing Lights', 'SIMUL': 'Simultaneous or Simultaneously', 'SIR': 'PackedorCompactedSnowandIceonRunway(s)', 'SKED': 'Scheduled or Schedule', 'SLR': 'Slush on Runway(s)', 'SN': 'Snow', 'SNBNK': 'Snowbank/s Caused by Plowing (Windrow(s))', 'SNGL': 'Single', 'SPD': 'Speed', 'SSALF': 'Simplified Short Approach Lighting with Sequence Flashers', 'SSALR': 'Simplified Short Approach Lighting with Runway Alignment Indicator Lights', 'SSALS': 'Simplified Short Approach Lighting System', 'SSR': 'Secondary Surveillance Radar', 'STA': 'Straight-In Approach', 'STAR': 'Standard Terminal Arrival', 'SUN': 'Sunday', 'SVC': 'Service', 'SVN': 'Satellite Vehicle Number', 'SW': 'Southwest', 'SWEPT': 'Swept', 'T': 'Temperature', 'TACAN': 'Tactical Air Navigational Aid (Azimuth and DME)', 'TAR': 'Terminal Area Surveillance Radar', 'TDWR': 'Terminal Doppler Weather Radar', 'TDZ': 'Touchdown Zone', 'TDZ LGT': 'Touchdown Zone Lights', 'TEMPO': 'Temporary or Temporarily', 'TFC': 'Traffic', 'TFR': 'Temporary Flight Restriction', 'TGL': 'Touch-and-Go Landings', 'THN': 'Thin', 'THR': 'Threshold', 'THRU': 'Through', 'THU': 'Thursday', 'TIL': 'Until', 'TKOF': 'Takeoff', 'TM': 'Traffic Management', 'TMPA': 'Traffic Management Program Alert', 'TRML': 'Terminal', 'TRNG': 'Training', 'TRSN': 'Transition', 'TSNT': 'Transient', 'TUE': 'Tuesday', 'TWR': 'Airport Control Tower', 'TWY': 'Taxiway', 'UAV': 'Unmanned Air Vehicles', 'UFN': 'Until Further Notice', 'UNAVBL': 'Unavailable', 'UNLGTD': 'Unlighted', 'UNMKD': 'Unmarked', 'UNMNT': 'Unmonitored', 'UNREL': 'Unreliable', 'UNUSBL': 'Unusable', 'VASI': 'Visual Approach Slope Indicator System', 'VDP': 'Visual Descent Point', 'VIA': 'By Way Of', 'VICE': 'Instead/Versus', 'VIS': 'Visibility', 'VMC': 'Visual Meteorological Conditions', 'VOL': 'Volume', 'VOR': 'VHF Omni-Directional Radio Range', 'VORTAC': 'VOR and TACAN (Collocated)', 'W': 'West', 'WB': 'Westbound', 'WED': 'Wednesday', 'WEF': 'With Effect From', 'WI': 'Within', 'WIE': 'With Immediate Effect', 'WKDAYS': 'Monday through Friday', 'WKEND': 'Saturday and Sunday', 'WND': 'Wind', 'WPT': 'Waypoint', 'WSR': 'Wet Snow on Runway(s)', 'WTR': 'Water on Runway(s)', 'WX': 'Weather'}